FRIDAY!!!! woohoo!!!
Tonight I will make my traditional trip to meijer. Just like every fridaynight that's payday. Hopefully I can avoid buying stupid stuff and stick with mostly food and items I need. Sometimes it's hard, I mean..common, doesnt EVERYONE need a 5 different style coat hook that turns into a table or lamp?
I went to see my cousin and her baby today!! It put me in such a good mood. My cousin is as close to a sister as I'll prolly ever know. Since the chance of me meeting my real sister are slim to none. So it was nice to chat with her and feed baby Logan. He's gained 1lb 1oz since he was born! that puts him over 11lbs now. the lil cow.
I have a job interview on wednesday. I'm kinda excited but I doubt I'll be able to take it because she'll prolly offer me shitty money. but who knows.
so not much planned for the weekend. sleeping in a little tommorrow. Going to a fruit market and then to buy my friends baby shower gifts. then going to a friends house..possibly drinking some. sunday is SOOO a SLEEP day!!
what is everyone doing for their weekend?
you know on a side note I saw this ad in my magazine. it read: CHEAPER MUSIC LEAVES MORE MONEY FOR DRUGS.
oh and I bought Marilyn Manson's Golden Age of Grotesque. KICK ASS. I'm in love with it. I also bought A.R.E. Weapons. I liked it OK. it's definatly the kinda music you either like or hate.
Unfortunatly I also bought the THICKE cd. MISTAKE. not into it at all..I do have one line from one song stuck in my head.
babygirl you're the shit and that make you my equivalent....

Tonight I will make my traditional trip to meijer. Just like every fridaynight that's payday. Hopefully I can avoid buying stupid stuff and stick with mostly food and items I need. Sometimes it's hard, I mean..common, doesnt EVERYONE need a 5 different style coat hook that turns into a table or lamp?
I went to see my cousin and her baby today!! It put me in such a good mood. My cousin is as close to a sister as I'll prolly ever know. Since the chance of me meeting my real sister are slim to none. So it was nice to chat with her and feed baby Logan. He's gained 1lb 1oz since he was born! that puts him over 11lbs now. the lil cow.

I have a job interview on wednesday. I'm kinda excited but I doubt I'll be able to take it because she'll prolly offer me shitty money. but who knows.
so not much planned for the weekend. sleeping in a little tommorrow. Going to a fruit market and then to buy my friends baby shower gifts. then going to a friends house..possibly drinking some. sunday is SOOO a SLEEP day!!
what is everyone doing for their weekend?
you know on a side note I saw this ad in my magazine. it read: CHEAPER MUSIC LEAVES MORE MONEY FOR DRUGS.

oh and I bought Marilyn Manson's Golden Age of Grotesque. KICK ASS. I'm in love with it. I also bought A.R.E. Weapons. I liked it OK. it's definatly the kinda music you either like or hate.
Unfortunatly I also bought the THICKE cd. MISTAKE. not into it at all..I do have one line from one song stuck in my head.
babygirl you're the shit and that make you my equivalent....

i'm gonna go see SG ryan, nixon and faith get nekid