1am friday night: get home from work.
2:30am friday night: get phone call from friend..go next door to hang out.
3:40am friday 'night': get home from friends house.
4 am saturday morning: sleep.
9:45am saturday: WAKE UP to the Fed Ex man pounding on the door. grab clothes, fly out to the front door, recieve packedge. after my heart stops racing I try to fall back asleep.
10:30am saturday: alarm goes off. grr...wake up throw some clothes on and prepair for my lesson.
11am saturday: my 'instructor' Jerry picks me up for my kung fu lesson.
11-1pm saturday: kung fu lesson. He says I have some talent. that I'm doing good, catching on fast. so there IS a little warrior woman in me..hmm.
1:15pm saturday: home. shower. dress for work.
1:45pm saturday: out the door to work.
2pm saturday: work day begins.
7pm saturday: avacado sushi. smoke break.
midnight saturday: finally close. *count it, that's 11 muthafuckin hours *
1:30am saturday night: get home from work. eat a BLT. do this update.
2:30 am saturday night: pass out.
10:30am sunday morning: wake up. get ready for lesson.
11:am-1:00pm sunday morning: kung fu lesson.
2:pm sunday afternoon- drive up to work to let fill in manager into store. * big long work bitch about everything that's messed up that I've had to deal with the last week since both other managers are gone.*
4:30pm sunday: meet my cousins and leave to go see NIN !!!!!
2:30am friday night: get phone call from friend..go next door to hang out.
3:40am friday 'night': get home from friends house.
4 am saturday morning: sleep.
9:45am saturday: WAKE UP to the Fed Ex man pounding on the door. grab clothes, fly out to the front door, recieve packedge. after my heart stops racing I try to fall back asleep.
10:30am saturday: alarm goes off. grr...wake up throw some clothes on and prepair for my lesson.
11am saturday: my 'instructor' Jerry picks me up for my kung fu lesson.
11-1pm saturday: kung fu lesson. He says I have some talent. that I'm doing good, catching on fast. so there IS a little warrior woman in me..hmm.
1:15pm saturday: home. shower. dress for work.
1:45pm saturday: out the door to work.
2pm saturday: work day begins.
7pm saturday: avacado sushi. smoke break.
midnight saturday: finally close. *count it, that's 11 muthafuckin hours *
1:30am saturday night: get home from work. eat a BLT. do this update.
2:30 am saturday night: pass out.
10:30am sunday morning: wake up. get ready for lesson.
11:am-1:00pm sunday morning: kung fu lesson.
2:pm sunday afternoon- drive up to work to let fill in manager into store. * big long work bitch about everything that's messed up that I've had to deal with the last week since both other managers are gone.*
4:30pm sunday: meet my cousins and leave to go see NIN !!!!!

i always new you kicked ass
sleep is passe