Hej hej guys
yesterday I got my septum piercing
a silver CCB!! To be honest,I did cry ONE single tear.It was the first of my body modifications that actually did HURT,but it was totally worth it.I absolutely adore it.Aargh,its so addictive
I'm already planning the next tattoos (little bat under my right eye ?! What do u think ?) and piercings (snakes
) Need more money
My master school (for hairdresser) starts,the day after tomorrow
so I'm quite nervous... hopefully I wont fail !! Please, please,let my dream of my own vegan salon come true !!!!!

Dang.. when i got my septum pierced it took 6 months to heal. didnt cry, but shit. 6 months.

Omg,6 months !! Mine feels quite okay,already today,can even move the CCB without hurting
and the nose wasnt swollen at all.I'm fortunated
When could u change the jewelry ? Also not until the six months?! greetings from Gernany