to everyone that posted nice things in my last journal... thank you... to everyone that stopped by my last journal and didn't post anything because it made you uncomfortable... grrr... i am a person.. and i have feelings too... ya big jerks
anyway sour mood over...
i watched a couple of episodes of six feet under this morning... what a glorious show...
and my good, good friend mark in michigan got a-hold of me today.. i was so surprised...
this is Mark and I on a halloween a couple of years back... all the people we were out with began calling me "fee" as in F.I. as in Fucking Idiot... cause that's what i looked like...
and this is his absolutly beautiful wife Valeri... hottie
and his three beautiful daughters... they are so cute, smart.. and sassy... it's hilarious... the one with the curly blonde hair, her favorite phrase is "holy crap"... how fucking cute is that?
so today i am a little happier... but i did move all my pictures from an old photo album that was falling apart to a new one.. and i see all these pictures of me.. either skinny, or in later pictures muscular, in shape... not the chub i rock today... guh..
but you wanna know the weirdest thing... out of like 400 pictures i went through... even as a tiny child... i have very few, like 10, pictures where i smile... i think i was born bitter... i am dumbfounded, seriously... i wish i could show you all... it's very surreal
1. how do you "pick someone up"?
2. what's the most shallow thing about you?
3. come up with your own question.. and answer it...
1. i try to use humor... i am still single
2. shoes... i am a shoes make the man / woman person
3. what is your favorite day of the week?
...monday, work is atleast something to do...

i watched a couple of episodes of six feet under this morning... what a glorious show...
and my good, good friend mark in michigan got a-hold of me today.. i was so surprised...

this is Mark and I on a halloween a couple of years back... all the people we were out with began calling me "fee" as in F.I. as in Fucking Idiot... cause that's what i looked like...

and this is his absolutly beautiful wife Valeri... hottie

and his three beautiful daughters... they are so cute, smart.. and sassy... it's hilarious... the one with the curly blonde hair, her favorite phrase is "holy crap"... how fucking cute is that?
so today i am a little happier... but i did move all my pictures from an old photo album that was falling apart to a new one.. and i see all these pictures of me.. either skinny, or in later pictures muscular, in shape... not the chub i rock today... guh..
but you wanna know the weirdest thing... out of like 400 pictures i went through... even as a tiny child... i have very few, like 10, pictures where i smile... i think i was born bitter... i am dumbfounded, seriously... i wish i could show you all... it's very surreal

1. how do you "pick someone up"?
2. what's the most shallow thing about you?
3. come up with your own question.. and answer it...
1. i try to use humor... i am still single
2. shoes... i am a shoes make the man / woman person

3. what is your favorite day of the week?
...monday, work is atleast something to do...

Oh im not worried about myself, ill carve my name in a bitch that tries to fuck with me
I have a little girl who is going to be going to school in a few years with these motherfunckers out there. No matter how much I want to be, I cant always be there.

They are everywhere. I looked up sex offenders near my parents house and there was a guy up there that I was friends with in middle school! That shit is crazy.