well let's see here. what could possibly cause me to want to update any of you who happen to stumble across my profile on what's going on in my life? oh, i know! how about some crappy relationship stuff that i can whine about although it's entirely my fault! yeah, that sounds fun. so what's new you ask? well in the last week i cheated on my new girlfriend with my ex-girlfriend, and thus, causing my new girlfriend to break up with me. despite my screen name, i'm very deserving of that and any other torments that she desires. in previous break ups i felt like an asshole, now i feel like an asshole and the scum of the earth. i truly did throw away the best thing i've ever had for the worst sex that i've ever had.
We all commit monumental fuck ups every now again. The only thing you can do is learn from them but dont dwell on them. What's done is done.

Hope you have a wonderful birthday!!