Just a quick post....

I am here in thr Bahamas and enjoying some warm january weather. I leave tomorrow and have to deal with cold cold weather. Now my dive cruise is over I am kinda looking forward to heading home... hotels kinda su k by yourself.

I will post some pictures when I get home.
Well I totally changed my vacation last minute. I am now going on a diving cruise in the Bahamas that leaves saturday. I have seen the diving in the Florida Keys cancelled to much lately. Plus no one has signed up for the dives so they could get cancelled that way too. The best part is I will be saving some cash also. So my...
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So its 2013 now.

I have my trip to Florida coming up next week. I leave on the 17th and get back around the 27th. I am driving so I can take all the stuff I want. I will be camping and diving in the Keys. It should be a fun trip. I am bummed I couldn't find anyone to go with me. I am...
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Yeah faker dogs plying for attention I swear!
Road trip sounds awesome take pics!
The world should be ending sometime soon so I will keep this short.

Its 4 days before Xmas and I have barely started shopping. I think most people will get gift cards. I hate shopping for other people. Not my girl tho she likes sexy things and that makes it easy. biggrin

I was planning on going to the stores this morning but I have been...
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So things are going ok. I went to Niagara Falls a few months ago for a short vacation. It was nice just wouldn't go back again any time soon. I have my next vacation in the works also. I am going to the Florida keys in January. I am going to camp on long key. it should be fun. I am going to get some...
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I am kinda frustrated with life at the moment. I am sick of being used by people.

I am suppose to go to Niagara Falls in a few weeks but I don't think I am going to go. Its going to cost to much to go and it won't be a long enough trip to make it worth it. I guess I will just go...
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How is everyone?

Let's see what have I been up to? I have been diving a bit lately. Not enough tho. I don't have many people to dive with so I am at the mercy of when my brother can go. (Any scuba divers near RI who want to go diving?) I haven't been fishing much this year either. I have been feeling kinda blah...
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So I have had this god awful sickness since last Friday. I am sick of coughing dammit. Hopefully I will get better soon.

Last weekend I did my 4 certification dives for my open water scuba. The water was a brisk 50 degrees but my wetsuit kept me warm enough. I didn't see much down there a few crabs and a couple of fish but...
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Okay I am less than a month away from my cruise vacation. I am excited. I am going with my "friend" she is the only one who doesn't think we are dating so I just go with it. I will be hitting a few places in the western Caribbean, a little snorkeling, swimming with dolphins and some Mayan ruins. I should have a nice tan...
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So I have Started my "new" job (its the job I had 2 years ago.) Its third shift and I am going to have to readjust myself to working it.Mostly my sleep schedule. I am looking forward to having the best part of the day to do stuff this summer.

I have been working out at the gym but I have hit a plateau. I...
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Well its another Monday. I worked till 10the last night so now I am tired today... the joys of always working. I am waiting to find out if I have to interview for the 3rd shift job or if they are just going to give it to me. Two people have given their notice I am two weeks... so they will be short people after...
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So I figured out the other day that I have been killing myself working 2 jobs for a year now for very little reason $$. I have decided to go back to the third shift job I had a year and half ago. There are two women on the shift that no one gets along with but its better than having no time to myself....
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