I went and saw a show with Rose, Sydfloyd and Yourhog today in Deep Ellum. Too bad my camera was out of batteries or I could've posted some crazy pictures up...
After the show we were leaving, and Syd was pulling out but he didn't see this car coming so we backed back up and this car stops...and a bunch of guys look as if they're yelling at us and a few get out of the car and we were like "what the fuck..." because we knew they weren't going to do anything since we were in a car...and it turns out that they're just singing along with their rap music and pointing at their spinning rims and smiling...it was something...we all just sat and stared at them for the longest time and then they drove away and we pulled out...well we get behind them and have to stop at a red light...they get out again AND DO THE SAME THING!!! but this time they popped their trunk to reveal a number 22 jersey which happens to be Emmitt Smiths (sp?) so we're panicking because we were trying to find Rose's camera, and we did. We took pictures as they were doing all of this...it was very comical, and they were friendly guys...just a little bit...way off.
After the show we were leaving, and Syd was pulling out but he didn't see this car coming so we backed back up and this car stops...and a bunch of guys look as if they're yelling at us and a few get out of the car and we were like "what the fuck..." because we knew they weren't going to do anything since we were in a car...and it turns out that they're just singing along with their rap music and pointing at their spinning rims and smiling...it was something...we all just sat and stared at them for the longest time and then they drove away and we pulled out...well we get behind them and have to stop at a red light...they get out again AND DO THE SAME THING!!! but this time they popped their trunk to reveal a number 22 jersey which happens to be Emmitt Smiths (sp?) so we're panicking because we were trying to find Rose's camera, and we did. We took pictures as they were doing all of this...it was very comical, and they were friendly guys...just a little bit...way off.
Yesiree! I like that cat ears picture.