I ate chicken strips by myself at the mall. A few tables across from me sat someone I went to school with bhack in High school...since he was popular I guess he figured by saying hi to me he'd be somehow looked down upon because he pretended I didn't exist. Especially when a popular looking girl showed up to sit down with him. At that moment I didn't feel sad or neglected. I felt that I had something that he didn't have. I felt that I had a strength where he had a weakness. I don't need a bunch of "popular" people to sit around me and talk about things that are hip. All I need is a sense of well being or at least some people that are open-minded. I don't care if you're preppy or goth, grunge, hippy, punk, whatever. I don't even care if you have a label. I'm just here to live and be as happy as I can in this life, and if you're not an ass I'd like to help you make your life more liveable too.
I woulda ate chicken strips with you. You shoulda called me.
you need to update. Out with the old in with the new.