OK...........Michael is officially done with spring semester classes!!!!!!!!!
Now if only I was done with projects too.
Oooooo well, I'm almost done.
And once I finish........going to work fulltime on my graphic novel!!!!!!!!!! Still could use some help on it......anyone interested, please drop me a line!
I FOUND RACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ADDED on 27th:
Time:10:19 am
last kiss:jess, couple minutes ago
last good cry:yesterday, after i found rachel
last book:a comic book......chiaroscuro
Last two movies seen:underworld and hellboy
last cuss word uttered:fucktacular
last food consumed:homemade scones
last crush:rachel (formerly of michael's)
last beverage drank: ice water
last phone call:angela, my ex, inviting me to a month stay at her cottage
last tv show watched: wwe raw
last time showered:about 20 minutes ago
last cd played:manson - golden age of grotesque
last item bought:pack of donuts (i found rachel when i was paying for a box of donuts!!!
last thing written:notes for my graphic novel
last word spoken:fucktacular
last time amused:this morning when jess fell and whacked her cute ass on my barbell
last time dancing:don't dance
last shirt worn:fruit of the loom. black muscle shirt
1 MIN AGO:starting this survey
1 HOUR AGO:starting my shower
1 DAY AGO:one day ago, right now....swearing at crapintosh computers at school
I HURT:yes, but pain is life
I LOVE:Jess and Rachel and Amy
I HATE:nothing except hate
I FEAR:that Rachel doesn't like me
I HIDE:rather than go out in public
I FEEL:wet and cold, shoulda dried my hair
I MISS:Rachel and Kristen
I DRIVE:Toyota Celica-silver and Honda VTX1800-black
I NEED:a hug
I THINK:i'm going to hug Jess after this
current clothes:black muscle shirt and torn up baggy black pants from hot topic, hehe, probably shoulda put some underwear on
current mood:mix of psycho and paranoid
current music:static-x.....wisconsin death trip
current smell:mix of peach and strawberry candle and jess' stinky work clothes
current refreshment: ice water
current worry:rachel
1. what do u like most about your body? either my hair or my arms.
2.and least? effed up knees and ankles
3.how many fillings do you have? none. [perfect teeth
4.do you think you're goodlooking? whynot. hell no! but i don't care.
5.do other people often tell you that your goodlooking? yeah, wish they'd stop
6.do you like any celebrities? emphatic no........loathe celebrities

Now if only I was done with projects too.

Oooooo well, I'm almost done.
And once I finish........going to work fulltime on my graphic novel!!!!!!!!!! Still could use some help on it......anyone interested, please drop me a line!
I FOUND RACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ADDED on 27th:
Time:10:19 am
last kiss:jess, couple minutes ago
last good cry:yesterday, after i found rachel
last book:a comic book......chiaroscuro
Last two movies seen:underworld and hellboy
last cuss word uttered:fucktacular
last food consumed:homemade scones
last crush:rachel (formerly of michael's)
last beverage drank: ice water
last phone call:angela, my ex, inviting me to a month stay at her cottage
last tv show watched: wwe raw

last time showered:about 20 minutes ago
last cd played:manson - golden age of grotesque
last item bought:pack of donuts (i found rachel when i was paying for a box of donuts!!!

last thing written:notes for my graphic novel
last word spoken:fucktacular
last time amused:this morning when jess fell and whacked her cute ass on my barbell

last time dancing:don't dance
last shirt worn:fruit of the loom. black muscle shirt
1 MIN AGO:starting this survey
1 HOUR AGO:starting my shower
1 DAY AGO:one day ago, right now....swearing at crapintosh computers at school
I HURT:yes, but pain is life
I LOVE:Jess and Rachel and Amy
I HATE:nothing except hate
I FEAR:that Rachel doesn't like me

I HIDE:rather than go out in public
I FEEL:wet and cold, shoulda dried my hair
I MISS:Rachel and Kristen
I DRIVE:Toyota Celica-silver and Honda VTX1800-black
I NEED:a hug
I THINK:i'm going to hug Jess after this
current clothes:black muscle shirt and torn up baggy black pants from hot topic, hehe, probably shoulda put some underwear on

current mood:mix of psycho and paranoid
current music:static-x.....wisconsin death trip
current smell:mix of peach and strawberry candle and jess' stinky work clothes

current refreshment: ice water
current worry:rachel
1. what do u like most about your body? either my hair or my arms.
2.and least? effed up knees and ankles
3.how many fillings do you have? none. [perfect teeth

4.do you think you're goodlooking? whynot. hell no! but i don't care.
5.do other people often tell you that your goodlooking? yeah, wish they'd stop
6.do you like any celebrities? emphatic no........loathe celebrities
i just got the email
how is it going?why didnt you just comment in my journal, thats always easier