Yeah, so I should really be getting back to work now. Ill see you later. And she walked off, returning to the job she hated.
What did I know about her? Her name was Rachel. She was a young girl, between 18 and 21 and she worked at an arts and crafts store near me. She was struggling to make ends meet; working two jobs, driving a car that required a lengthy prayer and small miracle to start in the morning, and saving up every cent she could so that she could take classes to become a licensed massage therapist.
She was the total opposite of myself. Optimism and life seemed to spring forth from her like rays of light from a star, even though shed already experienced more of lifes downfalls than I had even read about.
Where Rachel could hold herself up and keep on going, taking lifes challenges head on, I, ever the spoiled and apathetic loner that I am, couldnt even ask her a simple question: Would you like to go out with me sometime?
I fell in love with her the very first time I saw her and she smiled at me with her cute little lips. I couldnt believe that there could be such a perfect little angel in this world of sluts and bitches.
Ive never failed to meet and beat a challenge in my life, something I proudly tell to anyone within earshot. The ugly truth underneath this statement is that I only take the challenges I know I can beat. Im terrified of failure, never experienced in my life, and its kept me from doing so many things that other people wouldnt even think twice about doing. Asking someone out, applying for a job, or even just joining some stupid group and meeting new people.
Avoiding the unknown is a good way to stay safe and grow insane.
Thats it. I thought. And I swore to myself, Id come back the next day and ask her out. The next day came, and I went to the store, Rachel wasnt there. I kept coming back day after day and never caught her. She always seemed to be there when I wasnt and I sank into a depression like never before when I couldnt get in touch with her. Im still depressed as I write this, more so than ever before.
From August 29th, 2003 to April 9th, 2004, I would stop in a couple times a week to see if maybe, just maybe, my sweet little angel was in. I never saw her. On April 9th, I found out that she had still been working at the store (during the hours I normally had classes in), but left about a month ago. Nobody there knows of anyway to contact her.
I have never ever been this depressed in my life. If I dont find her soon, Im going to go insane.
Please, someone help me find her. I cant do this anymore.
What did I know about her? Her name was Rachel. She was a young girl, between 18 and 21 and she worked at an arts and crafts store near me. She was struggling to make ends meet; working two jobs, driving a car that required a lengthy prayer and small miracle to start in the morning, and saving up every cent she could so that she could take classes to become a licensed massage therapist.
She was the total opposite of myself. Optimism and life seemed to spring forth from her like rays of light from a star, even though shed already experienced more of lifes downfalls than I had even read about.
Where Rachel could hold herself up and keep on going, taking lifes challenges head on, I, ever the spoiled and apathetic loner that I am, couldnt even ask her a simple question: Would you like to go out with me sometime?
I fell in love with her the very first time I saw her and she smiled at me with her cute little lips. I couldnt believe that there could be such a perfect little angel in this world of sluts and bitches.
Ive never failed to meet and beat a challenge in my life, something I proudly tell to anyone within earshot. The ugly truth underneath this statement is that I only take the challenges I know I can beat. Im terrified of failure, never experienced in my life, and its kept me from doing so many things that other people wouldnt even think twice about doing. Asking someone out, applying for a job, or even just joining some stupid group and meeting new people.
Avoiding the unknown is a good way to stay safe and grow insane.
Thats it. I thought. And I swore to myself, Id come back the next day and ask her out. The next day came, and I went to the store, Rachel wasnt there. I kept coming back day after day and never caught her. She always seemed to be there when I wasnt and I sank into a depression like never before when I couldnt get in touch with her. Im still depressed as I write this, more so than ever before.
From August 29th, 2003 to April 9th, 2004, I would stop in a couple times a week to see if maybe, just maybe, my sweet little angel was in. I never saw her. On April 9th, I found out that she had still been working at the store (during the hours I normally had classes in), but left about a month ago. Nobody there knows of anyway to contact her.
I have never ever been this depressed in my life. If I dont find her soon, Im going to go insane.
Please, someone help me find her. I cant do this anymore.

unfortunately, last name's weren't part of our conversations