well today is kind of weird.
on the one side....i got a model for my project.
on the other side whenirememberyou's doggie is sick.
hope he get's better soon.
everyone pray for cute little doggie to stop pooping all over her place.
one last note, i will be posting pics of my newest photo set of my awesome friend Somer as a living dead girl, overcome by oversaturation of media she is exposed to. she rocks for helping me out with this.
the set is called Onslaught: Mind-Rot. Look for it tonight.
edit: i have the pics posted in the 'My Work' folder. Hope you like.
edit2: i got bored. uploaded weird stuff. check the Boredom folder.
one last quick note before bed....
if i ever spend another weekend night alone, i will die.
on the one side....i got a model for my project.

on the other side whenirememberyou's doggie is sick.

hope he get's better soon.
everyone pray for cute little doggie to stop pooping all over her place.

one last note, i will be posting pics of my newest photo set of my awesome friend Somer as a living dead girl, overcome by oversaturation of media she is exposed to. she rocks for helping me out with this.

edit: i have the pics posted in the 'My Work' folder. Hope you like.

edit2: i got bored. uploaded weird stuff. check the Boredom folder.
one last quick note before bed....
if i ever spend another weekend night alone, i will die.
look! he really is cute! haha.
he is the brown doggie. royal.
the black doggie is luka.