ok, this week has been great....everything has been going my way. today, i even met a girl so cute it's stupid.....and she kissed me!
my senior thesis and photo projects are going great. so's comicbook.....
so, yesterday there was a girl raped really violently around campus. today i find out it was my ex-best friend, the girl i've been in love with for going on two years!
haven't talked to her in months now and now i just want to cry.
maybe i'll add more later

my senior thesis and photo projects are going great. so's comicbook.....
so, yesterday there was a girl raped really violently around campus. today i find out it was my ex-best friend, the girl i've been in love with for going on two years!

haven't talked to her in months now and now i just want to cry.
maybe i'll add more later