It has been waaay too long since I've updated this. My job sucks but it does let me spend most of my days sitting in the dark surfing the internet for the most useless crap possible... Unfortunately I can't use that time to surf porn. Fucking job!!! By the time I get home... I don't want to look at any computer monitor so alas... SG's has been without my presence for quite some time. Now here I sit, Star Wars playing dramatically in the background and I'm taking a break from cleaning my room by updating this journal. I hate cleaning but looking at hot women always cheers me up. I need to be in St. Kitts right now. Instead back to 'the great clean up of 2004'!
Hmmm I think the transvestite story may end badly - although that might be a good thing, cos at least I've had chance to realise the only boss I'm ever gonna be happy with is me
Kinda enjoying the pinkness - its still kinda surreal and will be even more bizarre once my set goes up
Hope your around again soon lovely