So, there isn't much to say these days. My life is comprised of the same things it always is- meandering walks downtown, spending time with most of the people I love, reading, schooling, writing letters, watching movies, cooking, and shooting the shit with my roommate. Nothing ever changes, but nothing ever stays the same.
now the writers can say, "we were right all along
you can't make someone love you with a song"
Thinking of going to Vancouver next weekend, with my delightful two days off. I've got two people I miss deeply to visit.
and I shouldn't talk, i should stop, i'm digging deeper holes
it just feels strange that i sing songs for another girl
Last night, I met Jehkoba after I got off work. We walked around aimlessly for a bit, procured bubble tea, played video games, and watched American Beauty. A fair amount of balcony chitchat went on, as well. Really, that's why I have people over to my apartment. It's all so I can show off the balcony.
He's a gentle, sweet creature, and I think you should all pop over to his journal and give him internet love.
I just made chili! Come eat it with me before I go to work. Again.
i'm picking up the phone and putting down this pen
to let you know i'm writing you again
now the writers can say, "we were right all along
you can't make someone love you with a song"
Thinking of going to Vancouver next weekend, with my delightful two days off. I've got two people I miss deeply to visit.
and I shouldn't talk, i should stop, i'm digging deeper holes
it just feels strange that i sing songs for another girl
Last night, I met Jehkoba after I got off work. We walked around aimlessly for a bit, procured bubble tea, played video games, and watched American Beauty. A fair amount of balcony chitchat went on, as well. Really, that's why I have people over to my apartment. It's all so I can show off the balcony.
He's a gentle, sweet creature, and I think you should all pop over to his journal and give him internet love.
I just made chili! Come eat it with me before I go to work. Again.
i'm picking up the phone and putting down this pen
to let you know i'm writing you again
Aww, thank'ee hun. I sure could use some sweet, sweet internet lovin'. Er, love. I mean love. Yes. Right. Chili you say?

i like chilli.