I'm updating this journal too often.
My hair smells like apple cider vinegar and my skin smells like lemons.
I rocked harder than God at MarioKart today.
My date with Euripides was a bit of a letdown, but more for him than for me, 'cause I didn't exactly show up. I am (still) a pathetic example of a student. I will wing my midterm tomorrow. If I said that Dionysus was a part of the Greek pantheon as far back as any other of their deities as evidenced by Linear B tablets- and was not a "stranger", contrary to myth popularized by fifth century Athenian drama- you'd give me an A+, right?
I want to make pesto. And cheesecake.
Plans are being made to go camping- or "cabin-ing", rather- on Quadra Island for the first few days of reading break this coming weekend.
I'm looking forward to Valentine's Day because there's going to be a fucking amazing show at Logan's. Do I want to hear covers of the Magnetic Fields by Run Chico Run? Heck yes, I do!
Quoting Napoleon Dynamite still hasn't grown tired.
My dreams have been ridiculously vivid lately. Seascapes and airplane crashes and building bridges.
I'm pleased that I'm not getting drunk as much as I did last semester. It's as though I'm learning my limits or something, or maybe that I'm beginning to recognize causal relationship between me getting too drunk to think straight and despising everything about myself the next day..
Is it wrong that I hope I'm making myself infertile by resting my laptop on my knees so often?
take me out to the beach and i'll tell you my secret name
take me under the sea and we'll derail the trains
let's run away into the caves [i still love you, i still love you baby]
you're in your own little box with ribbons in your hair
and there's dust in your mouth and worms in the air
My hair smells like apple cider vinegar and my skin smells like lemons.
I rocked harder than God at MarioKart today.
My date with Euripides was a bit of a letdown, but more for him than for me, 'cause I didn't exactly show up. I am (still) a pathetic example of a student. I will wing my midterm tomorrow. If I said that Dionysus was a part of the Greek pantheon as far back as any other of their deities as evidenced by Linear B tablets- and was not a "stranger", contrary to myth popularized by fifth century Athenian drama- you'd give me an A+, right?
I want to make pesto. And cheesecake.
Plans are being made to go camping- or "cabin-ing", rather- on Quadra Island for the first few days of reading break this coming weekend.
I'm looking forward to Valentine's Day because there's going to be a fucking amazing show at Logan's. Do I want to hear covers of the Magnetic Fields by Run Chico Run? Heck yes, I do!
Quoting Napoleon Dynamite still hasn't grown tired.
My dreams have been ridiculously vivid lately. Seascapes and airplane crashes and building bridges.
I'm pleased that I'm not getting drunk as much as I did last semester. It's as though I'm learning my limits or something, or maybe that I'm beginning to recognize causal relationship between me getting too drunk to think straight and despising everything about myself the next day..
Is it wrong that I hope I'm making myself infertile by resting my laptop on my knees so often?
take me out to the beach and i'll tell you my secret name
take me under the sea and we'll derail the trains
let's run away into the caves [i still love you, i still love you baby]
you're in your own little box with ribbons in your hair
and there's dust in your mouth and worms in the air
uh.... and hi