Pointless news update which only proves that I am both equal parts dork and pervert:
Good news #1:
The company I work for, which currently distributes DVD's, is considering distributing video games as well. Which means, hopefully, I can buy said video games at wholesale prices and finally find a use for 20+ years of videogame dorkdom. I figure by 2005 I can earn back at least half of the quarters I spent on Donkey Kong as a young lad.
Good news #2:
My wife got her nipples pierced in June, and they're finally healed up enough that playing with them will no longer be an infection risk.
Good news #1:
The company I work for, which currently distributes DVD's, is considering distributing video games as well. Which means, hopefully, I can buy said video games at wholesale prices and finally find a use for 20+ years of videogame dorkdom. I figure by 2005 I can earn back at least half of the quarters I spent on Donkey Kong as a young lad.

Good news #2:
My wife got her nipples pierced in June, and they're finally healed up enough that playing with them will no longer be an infection risk.

I'd really, really like to get my nipples pierced but there's no way I could go that long without playing with them myself, let alone when someone else was there.