He would only read a book if he found a copy someone else had thrown away.
Smarter to rely on fate than commerce, he said.
He only kept a book if the copy he found had been partially burned.
He reckoned that the previous owner either hated that damn book so much they didn't want anyone else to ever read it, or loved that damn book so much they'd suffer through the cold rather than lose it to the fire.
Either way, anything with that much passion attached to it was worth hanging on to for a while.
Smarter to rely on fate than commerce, he said.
He only kept a book if the copy he found had been partially burned.
He reckoned that the previous owner either hated that damn book so much they didn't want anyone else to ever read it, or loved that damn book so much they'd suffer through the cold rather than lose it to the fire.
Either way, anything with that much passion attached to it was worth hanging on to for a while.
I say thank heavens for that.
Or us or something. Whatever.

Thank you. Good to hear from you, it's been too long