Happy First Contact Day!! If you know what I mean by that without Googling it, then I'd love to hear from you. biggrin

Things are just trucking along as they usually do. Nothing too exciting. Nothing too horrifying. Just about enough of each to keep everything even-keel.

So there's a chick that I know online (different from the one in the last post) that likes to...
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Massive Attack & Portishead's "Teardrop" gives me that strange shivvery feeling in the middle of my back. i don't know if it's because the song is really hauntingly beautiful, or if it's because it was the soundtract to a highly erotic video done by a woman I used to know on a website far, far away. I miss that chick sometimes. I never met her...
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Read my journal entry. smile

I listen to that song all the time, too. Hope that you're doing well. I've not been on the chat in forever as it's just been too crazy to do so.
Noahpalooza2005 has come to a close and i've completed my first day back at work. man-o-man, the daily grind really sucks after 9 days of freedom.

i have to publicly thank my dear friend Elisabeth for telling folks to wish me a happy b-day and saying nice stuff about me on here. she's so amazingly hot, inside and out! if i even *thought* i stood...
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okay so where were we? ah yes, it's a new year. we're a good three weeks in and already it's crazy as ever. i've been totally bogged down at work with multimedia and other only-noah-can-do-it kinds of tasks, my home life consists of playing ps2 until i'm too tired to continue and then waking up earlier than i'd like, my shoes are getting to that...
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a little birdie Elisabeth mentioned that it was your birthday. soooooo ............Happy Birthday smile
Happy Birthday friend of Elisabeth!!!

best wishes.
my christmas message:
christians - stop whining. i've been listening to you people piss and moan my entire life.

no one is stealing christmas. we're just sick of your evangelical bullshit. we don't want to live in a country ruled by religion. if you do, then move your ass over to Iran and get back to us about how much fun it is.
That was very well said.

I insist that you have a wonderful Xmas and even better new year. And when are we going to remedy that hanging out soon arrangement? biggrin
haha! You rock Noah.

i finally finished playing Max Payne and started right into Max Payne 2. good stuff. MP2 is definitely a better game, though it's a improvement on the first game, not an evolution from it. i should write a film noir piece that's more modernistic. i think the closest thing to film noir that we've seen lately in the big-time movies are the likes of 9mm...
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the lights snapped on and the curtain rose as it did every night since this show opened. i could hit my marks blindfolded and the lines came out of my mouth with as little sincerity as i could muster. the audience stared back at me - blank faces searching for something they knew wasn't there, but disappointed if they were let in on the illusion....
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there's this one chick on this site. i look at her pix all the time. she's a little hottie. she knows it. it's too bad that hot internet chicks don't wind up magically transported into your bedroom from time to time, ya know? that would be pretty interesting. especially if they showed up in vinyl and fishnets.
should i feel bad about the fact that i still relate to Nine Inch Nails lyrics and i'm 30 years old?
sometimes the weight of the world can seem a little much. and then your Netflix movies arrive and everything feels better for 5-8 hours or so smile