i forgot what a great remix "Heresy (Version)" is. you'll find it on Further Down the Spiral v2 (that's the import, y'all) .

I just wish I knew where that sample in the middle of the tune is from.

"Do you believe in miracles?"
"Not really."

Amazon link
i just thought of something else. all the time you hear people talk about how they owe so much to their primary school teachers. now don't get me wrong, i had a good relationship with, and even liked, my primary school teachers (except for Mrs. Kindred. she was a cunt and she knew it), but precious little of what they taught me has been in...
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queues. they're everywhere. any place you look, there's a bucnh of people lined up for something. and people get all into queuing up, too. once they get a space in line, you'd think that it was handed to them by the President and lined with gold. they don't care if you need to get to something totally un-line-related that's on the other side of the...
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lately it's felt like i haven't had a lot of free time. maybe not free time, maybe "me time". it had felt like a lot of the time i spend away from work i spend doing things, but not really the things that i'm *into* doing. i haven't spent much time listening to new music, i haven't spent much time writing new music; i haven't...
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Miami Bass RULES.

That is all. tongue
You know what I was listening to today? Miami Bass. But we're just supposed to call it "Bass Music" now, I guess. Anyway, I was bumping Bass Boy and Techmaster P.E.B. I really need to just spend a few hours and create a massively quadtastic Reason setup so I can start bumpin' the booties myself. I'll keep you informed of my progress.
I've been thinking about retirement a lot lately. I know, you're saying, "But Noah, you're independently wealthy! What could you possibly have to retire from?" The answer is that I've been noticing a lot of folks around me reaching retirement age -- the inevitable aging of the Baby Boomers -- and it's been making me think that one of these days I'll be sitting around...
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Happy First Contact Day! What a great day to choose to re-activate my SG account! I hope there hasn't been too much going on in my absence...
wednesday was one of the most stressful days i've been through at work. but i made it through with flying colors and everyone is delighted in the end, so i'm happy. now it's on to the next stressful project. smile meanwhile i keep having these dreams filled with terribly naughty fantasies. it seems like the more stress and pressure i'm feeling in my "real" life, the...
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i'll be on kuci 88.9fm in irvine california on friday 4/15 from 8p-9p. if you're not in the irvine area, you can tune in at http://www.kuci.org
kiss kiss blush

I'll take you up on that, sometime soon. smile
"Exploitative afro is no us" i doubt that's what it is, but i'd exploit you any time you'd like. actually, i'd be quite generous and accomodating. but i guess exploitation is in the eye of the beholder, as it were. honestly, i think it's funny that you read these, so i'm hoping you get a laugh out of this one. smile
They're awesome though, how can you NOT? Hehe.

How are things in NoahVille? biggrin
things are good! just the typical day-to-day. i'll be on the radio for a whole wopping hour this friday. smile you were in a dream that i had last night! for some reason you had let me buy you naughty little outfits and then you'd spend the night sleeping in them at my place. it wasn't one of those graphic kinds of dreams - more like a cruelly intense ongoing tease. in other words, it was delightful wink