okay, let me just tell you about a little place called Lake Havasu. We've all heard the stories and we've all seen the video clips on late night tv, but let me tell you something - the place is hot. and i don't mean hot in a girls-gone-wild sort of way. i mean hot in a 115 degrees F sort of way. never in my life have i been in heat like that. and if you're thinking that the weekend after Memorial Day would make it worthwhile by trading inhuman heat for a bare-breasted feast-for-the-eyes, then you'd better think again. there were a few hot chicks here and there, but mostly it was irritating fratboys with their irritating girlfriends. not one bare breast was seen. except on SG, of course. did you see the new Cain set? Jesus Christ.
*haha* My grandpa used to live there. It's much like living on the surface of the sun. o_O