
Had a good time in the Park Blocks this afternoon.

I started learning a new song. Not exactly new. "A Man's a Man (For A' That and A' That)" was written in 1792 or thereabouts by Robert Burns. It's actually an anti-aristocratic, anti-oligarchic anthem that, true to the spirit of the Age of Revolution, praises the honesty and integrity of the commoner by contrasting...
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Hey man, good stuff.
You got some substantial journal posts.
Once again mate a thoroughly enjoyable read,Morgan sums it all up quite nicely.Hey any luck with Judge Goth ??.Hope the Abyssinians put on a great show.Lee Perry was here about 2 months ago,crazy guy....oh yeah what is it exactly that you play?
I attended a fund-raising dinner (ticket at the artist's rate) for a well-established local theater company last Saturday night.

I felt out of place.

I didn't have hundreds of dollars to drop on the charity auction items.

And no one else was wearing a kilt.
you felt out of place because you dare to think for yourself. kilts are badass, and usually, only hoity-toity people can drop hundres of dollars on stuff. all that money can't buy them happiness, or even a sense of fufillment, or better yet- originality. have a groovy day, MaryJane
That bit you posted in my journal is one of my favourite pieces of writing in the world.
On July 28, I was pulled over by a motorcycle cop, who tagged me with a laser coming off the Bybee Boulevard overpass doing 39 in a 25 zone.

On August 27, I plead Not Guilty, which, in Oregon, has the effect of requesting a trial date.

On October 8, I received noticed of my trial date, time, and location.

I didn't give it much...
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Thank you for those quotes...they made my day.
Where do you get all those wonderful quotes?
Saw Ivy the bright-eyed hippy-girl at the Pirate Jenny show Saturday.

Went for a walk at 6 AM this morning.

Before the city screeches.

While the cats are coming home.

Heard something I hadn't heard in the city in a long time.


Oak and maple leaves jostling past their neighbors, drifting to their final resting places in the street.

Rest In Peace.
how much does Jasmine at tommy's weigh?
how much does Jasmine at tommy's weigh?
When I wasn't working at a regular job last summer I would sing and play on the public right of way to make a little extra tax-free cash.

Now that I have a job, I still play outdoors, mostly at PSU, in the block between the library and Smith Center, when I need to escape the cube farm. I don't put out a hat.

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beautiful story! i know that area near PSU - i wonder if i've seen you around.

i'll have to catch up on your older entries.
i hate when i want to write something really interesting in someone's journal, but i'm all sleepy and full of french toast and all i can think of is something like, "dude, your picture rocks!"

to rival the found trojan package: throwing used condoms onto the roof and having the rain wash them down onto the terrace right outside mom's bedroom. like 3 of 'em. now don't look at ME funny, it wasn't MY idea.
Nice weather we're having, ain't it?

Rode home from the theater after the Sunday matinee (and tedious publicity photo shoot), weaving in and out of the strollers along the seawall in Waterfront Park.

It was just too nice to go inside. I planted myself at the top of the amphitheater steps by Salmon Street Springs, pulled out my squeezebox, and started running through some hornpipes...
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I'D give you a buck, and you wouldn't even have to ask. Your journal entries remind me of a musician i who i used to talk to who played on the downtown mall in Charlottesville, my home. He's disappeared now and the mall isn't really the same...plus it's become more "business oriented", so we're lucky if there's ONE musician playing on the mall when there used to be half a dozen making one big mixture of sounds.

It's not THAT cold in baltimore (though right now, it is raining. It's always raining in baltimore) but at night it gets chilly and breezy, and the windows are perfectly adjacent to my bed. Plus i'm one of those people who's always cold.
What a marvelous story!

As Morgan would say, I like the way you write.

As a semi-professional photographer myself, I always try to do something nice for my subject. If I'm trying to get a candid shot, I might not always be able to offer something in advance without ruining the shot. But in your case I would have been there listening for a good while before AND after taking the picture, and I would certainly have left a couple of bucks before going on my way.

Some photographers get this attitude like the world belongs to them. To me, it's like a gift I receive. If there were a way to tip the landscape, I would do it. If I could express my gratitude to the marching clouds, the sunlight at seven am, and the air I hold in my lungs while I squeeze the shutter, I would do it.

As things are, I have to settle for being one of those tree-hugging earth lovers and chipping in to charities.

Thanks for the story, and I hope one of these days I get the chance to hear one of your squeezebox sea shanteys.

Riding my bicycle from work to the theater Friday rush hour, I passed a frail old lady waiting to enter a corsswalk on a multi-lane one way street downtown (SE Market at Park). Two blocks above us, a pack of commuters were held in check by a traffic light. The lady creeped into a crosswalk, and the light changed to green a split second later....
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I've taken up singing in the PSU park blocks on these sunny fall afternoons.

A sweet and petite pretty black haired darling stopped to listen while she took a smoke break. After every song, I glanced her way. Her smile was devastating. She lingered through 3 cigarettes. She drifted off in the middle of a song.