Still battling the sickness. Today, I went to the doctor to check out a problem with a HERNIA sugury I had last year. Iv'e been having sharp pains in my body as if someone had left a razor blade in my body. So I go there and the doctor says I'm fine, there is no problem.
I know I'm not a hypocondriac . When there is a serious problem with my body ,my body lets me know and anyone with a hernia in the past will know what i'm talking about. The pain can be unbearable .
These fucking doctors think just because they have a PH.D ,they know everything. For god sakes, he did'nt even make an effort to look until he saw fire in my eyes. On top of that ,he was being a smart ass with me. The reason I'm so pist is, he had seen me for a grand total of 5 minutes.
I had asked him for an ultrasound , M.R.I, somthing that could explain whats wrong. The answer he had given me was a chicken shit way coping out of his job resposabilites. Maybe I should get a second opinion.
Other than that ............. Everything is great. Sexydevil and myself went down to the recording studio yesterday and recorded 5 new songs for our new album. The experiance there was awsome.This was an opertunity only few bands get in there carrer. Everthing thing sounded unbelievable. We were there for about 15hrs. The cool thing is it didn't seem like it.
Go to and click on the biggest studio there.
Well, I think I said to much......................
p.s The website should invest in a spell check because I can't spell worth a shit........
I know I'm not a hypocondriac . When there is a serious problem with my body ,my body lets me know and anyone with a hernia in the past will know what i'm talking about. The pain can be unbearable .
These fucking doctors think just because they have a PH.D ,they know everything. For god sakes, he did'nt even make an effort to look until he saw fire in my eyes. On top of that ,he was being a smart ass with me. The reason I'm so pist is, he had seen me for a grand total of 5 minutes.
I had asked him for an ultrasound , M.R.I, somthing that could explain whats wrong. The answer he had given me was a chicken shit way coping out of his job resposabilites. Maybe I should get a second opinion.
Other than that ............. Everything is great. Sexydevil and myself went down to the recording studio yesterday and recorded 5 new songs for our new album. The experiance there was awsome.This was an opertunity only few bands get in there carrer. Everthing thing sounded unbelievable. We were there for about 15hrs. The cool thing is it didn't seem like it.
Go to and click on the biggest studio there.

Well, I think I said to much......................
p.s The website should invest in a spell check because I can't spell worth a shit........

this is why i love unclefalker/ryan. could you be any sweeter? thanks so much for the positive words. on a day that's been as bleak as this one, they really helped me smile i spite of my shitty situation. *muah!* kisses for you.
Other than that I hope everything is good. Have you talked to scott lately? We all gotta get together sometime. Talk to you soon!