Last night I went to the SG Burlesque Tour show in SF with the SGSAC crew. Had an excellent time. The show was great, though I think my expectations were higher than what the show turned out to be. I guess I was expecting more art. Like maybe different stage backdrops and maybe body paint stuff and more prominent and grand stage props. I don't know where I conjured those ideas, maybe just some additions I would make if I were running the show. ??? Still, I loved the girls and their choreographed dances and sketches. My favs were the Napolean Dynamite parody, the Resovior Dogs, and Reagan as the authoritative disciplinarian. Reagan was super hot and Chloe was too. I keep having beautiful flashbacks of her skipping off stage all cute-like wearing her transparent black lacey skirt thing after getting the entire audience to yell "More. Boobs. Please." The final "curtain call" with all six girls out on stage at the end had me wanting to go home with them. As if they all lived together in some big house or apartment and were looking for some dude to just hang out with them, chat, fetch them drinks, maybe do their laundry while they lounged around scantily clad and doing whatever. (How many beers did I have again?)
Hit a diner in the Castro afterwards with the group. Acquainted myself a bit w/ Nikki-Sixx, Sevven, and her guy. Met SG Thistle who I didn't realize who she was until a few hours ago. Rode home with Moirae and Becca which turned out to really suck after taking 45 minutes just to get on the Bay Bridge. Throw in getting pulled over and delayed another 15 minutes by CHP in Emeryville. I dozed in and out on the ride home while Interpol and Bowie played on the car stereo. Becca was sound asleep in the back seat when we pulled up to drop her off at her apartment. It was kinda cute actually, but who isn't cute when they're sleeping? I think I was in home and in bed by 4:30am. Moirae is a trooper to function on so little sleep and still go to work the next morning. (I owe you one for driving!)
K... that's enough journaling. I'm pretty tired today, and have got a big weekend coming up entertaining a pair of teen girls (prospective Sac State students checking out the campus) along with my sweetie. Happiness is surrounding oneself in feminine charm and beauty.
Hit a diner in the Castro afterwards with the group. Acquainted myself a bit w/ Nikki-Sixx, Sevven, and her guy. Met SG Thistle who I didn't realize who she was until a few hours ago. Rode home with Moirae and Becca which turned out to really suck after taking 45 minutes just to get on the Bay Bridge. Throw in getting pulled over and delayed another 15 minutes by CHP in Emeryville. I dozed in and out on the ride home while Interpol and Bowie played on the car stereo. Becca was sound asleep in the back seat when we pulled up to drop her off at her apartment. It was kinda cute actually, but who isn't cute when they're sleeping? I think I was in home and in bed by 4:30am. Moirae is a trooper to function on so little sleep and still go to work the next morning. (I owe you one for driving!)
K... that's enough journaling. I'm pretty tired today, and have got a big weekend coming up entertaining a pair of teen girls (prospective Sac State students checking out the campus) along with my sweetie. Happiness is surrounding oneself in feminine charm and beauty.

I totally failed my way through two years of spanish so I know you told me to go screw myself with a burrito at the library...
How was it, or did you go?
I was in bed sick by 10:30... blagh