so hey, fuck all this negative shit.
got some good things going on, some bad.
guess i really can't complain.
might be playing bass again for awhile...maybe even some euro-touring.
caved in and finally got a fucking ipod. got tired of lugging around all those cd's. mac people still scare me a bit.
gonna cruise in my rust queen tonight and try not to think...
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got some good things going on, some bad.
guess i really can't complain.
might be playing bass again for awhile...maybe even some euro-touring.
caved in and finally got a fucking ipod. got tired of lugging around all those cd's. mac people still scare me a bit.
gonna cruise in my rust queen tonight and try not to think...
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yeah, so, life can be quite a bitch, but there's no use dwelling on it and being miserable all the time.
i'm getting by, my dad's cancer is being dealt with as best it can at the moment, and my head doesn't hurt so much right now.
i really need to move outta here, get a new place, new perspective, a fresh start. i also...
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i'm getting by, my dad's cancer is being dealt with as best it can at the moment, and my head doesn't hurt so much right now.
i really need to move outta here, get a new place, new perspective, a fresh start. i also...
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wow thank you so much!

so much misery and pain.
serious family illness been keeping me busy.
frustration from not really being able to do anything other than shuffle from doctor to doctor to doctor.
too much to think about, i've been on auto-pilot for over a month i think...the days have all been melting together.
i'm trying my damndest to keep my head on straight.
i'm weaker than i...
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serious family illness been keeping me busy.
frustration from not really being able to do anything other than shuffle from doctor to doctor to doctor.
too much to think about, i've been on auto-pilot for over a month i think...the days have all been melting together.
i'm trying my damndest to keep my head on straight.
i'm weaker than i...
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i love you chris....this seems like a very weird avenue to let you know about it, but you are my motherfucker
let's see, whats going on?
i finally got the chevelle back on the are but a few of the many things i had to have done after the car sat rusting away for the past few years:
new front calipers
all new brake lines
new master cylinder
tranny fluid lines
motor mounts
new radiator
rear springs
new headers
etc, etc...
i wish i knew...
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i finally got the chevelle back on the are but a few of the many things i had to have done after the car sat rusting away for the past few years:
new front calipers
all new brake lines
new master cylinder
tranny fluid lines
motor mounts
new radiator
rear springs
new headers
etc, etc...
i wish i knew...
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Thanks for your lovely comment on my set

I certainly do like peaches. Thanks for the comment!
the chevelle is now at phil's garage over in little ferry. phil knows his shit, and he is going to help bring the rust queen back to a respectable cruising condition. work starts this week and i'm fucking excited.
my band was in the studio last night/this morning and we laid down drums, bass, and scratch guitar for 14 songs.
we go back in...
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my band was in the studio last night/this morning and we laid down drums, bass, and scratch guitar for 14 songs.
we go back in...
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thanks man
I shot those with a the 20D and the 50 1.8 and believe it or not the 70-200 f4...I love that fucking lens...not the fastest but you can still manage some sweet concert shots with steady hands...someday I will upgrade, but for now it gets me by
14 songs in one night? damn...good luck with the album!
I shot those with a the 20D and the 50 1.8 and believe it or not the 70-200 f4...I love that fucking lens...not the fastest but you can still manage some sweet concert shots with steady hands...someday I will upgrade, but for now it gets me by
14 songs in one night? damn...good luck with the album!
No photos from me, unfortunately. I woulda loved to have snapped a few, but with my luck I just would've ended up in jail and mourning a smashed camera if I'd had one with me. I did see several people taking pictures of the stabbing and some other events that night. I'm wonderin' if any of those are gonna show up anywhere....
Any word on that recording? How'd it come out? Should I be expecting an update telling me where to buy a copy soon?
Any word on that recording? How'd it come out? Should I be expecting an update telling me where to buy a copy soon?
hey now motherfuckers,
i've been spending alot of time with my band and working my ass new tunes and photos of us live at manitobas/nyc a few weeks ago over at please go check it out and let us know if you dig it!
we start recording some new material this weekend!!
started a philosophy class in ny, seems interesting.
got my chevelle...
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i've been spending alot of time with my band and working my ass new tunes and photos of us live at manitobas/nyc a few weeks ago over at please go check it out and let us know if you dig it!
we start recording some new material this weekend!!
started a philosophy class in ny, seems interesting.
got my chevelle...
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I like the song as much as the other two. I read your blog about it, so I won't call it a new song, but it's new to me. I really hope you guys can get a CD or record out sometime, I know I'd buy it.
And yeah, I pimped you guys out to all on my list with a bulletin over there. I hope that's ok.
i'm totally at a loss over the destruction hurricane katrina has caused.
i am scraping together whatever i can to donate to the red cross relief efforts...
so sad i don't know what else to do with myself.
i am scraping together whatever i can to donate to the red cross relief efforts...
so sad i don't know what else to do with myself.
Hey, thanks. I'm pretty fuckin' pleased with it myself. Things still goin' OK for you?

fucked again.
piece of shit drummer never showed to our gig tonight, no call, nothing. so we are now back in the business of seeking a new drummer. someone who will actually show up for gigs and such. jesus.
ah well, we can start fresh at least.
if you know anyone interested, from the northern new jersey/nyc metro area please pass this along! email me...
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so, whenever i'm getting ready for a gig i get a serious case of the butterflies...this means i'm so nervous i can't eat dinner, so i show up with empty stomach and frazzled high energy nerves and what do i do?
why, start drinking gin, of course. tom collins are my choice of weapon, and by the time i took the stage last night i...
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why, start drinking gin, of course. tom collins are my choice of weapon, and by the time i took the stage last night i...
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holy shit i really need to update more often...things have been rippin' at a breakneck pace back from the ppa photo expo in vegas late last week, had a fuckin' blast, actually saw some "real" shows this time, cirque du soleil "ka" blew my fucking mind, trust me, this was some intense shit...met people, networked, gave money to the house, the usual vegas shit...been...
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Thanks man, can't wait to hear some new 222 songs!
allright, allright's official, my band is rocking once again with our old drummer and we're making up for lost time... putting the finishing touches on a few of the tracks recorded back in cleveland and should have some good mp3's up on and shortly...also, we are looking for cool gigs in the nyc/nj/philly area-anyone wanna rock?
we just got a show...
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we just got a show...
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Cool, I'm glad you're still pluggin' away with the band and I really dig the songs. I checked out your myspace page and sent a request over there so I can keep up to datye on the band. I definitely hear you about the one step forward, two steps back routine. I've been workin' with some people here on startin' somethin' for months and we've written some songs, but still don't have a place to practice, so we can't even really tell how it's gonna sound. And that's not even mentioning the fact that I'm bustin' my ass just to try to keep us all on the same page about what type of music we're playin'. We all have a few styles we really like and so our first few songs were all over the place. I think we're gettin' there, but it's not gonna take off at all if we don't get ahold of some place to turn it up soon.
name change for security reasons (stalker)
you know what sucks?
writing a song way out of your vocal range and not realizing it until you try to lay down the tracks in the studio. hell, at practice it always sounded close enough...for rocknroll, ah well.
so, yeah, still working on some songs, having a crisis of faith over my guitar tone, and generally trying not to let my life spiral out...
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writing a song way out of your vocal range and not realizing it until you try to lay down the tracks in the studio. hell, at practice it always sounded close enough...for rocknroll, ah well.
so, yeah, still working on some songs, having a crisis of faith over my guitar tone, and generally trying not to let my life spiral out...
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Fuck man, don't you know that 80's flashbacks are like Vietnam flashbacks for our generation? How could you do that to me?
I definitely hear you on the outlook changing with the physical shape. I've lost over 30 pounds in the time that I've been up here and my perspective has gotten better and better.
I definitely hear you on the outlook changing with the physical shape. I've lost over 30 pounds in the time that I've been up here and my perspective has gotten better and better.
+1 to you, good sir.