I just bought the new Cold cd and it already blew me away after the first four songs. If you don't buy it, I don't like you.
Lesseee......still hanging out with that girl. She's pretty awesome. And a redhead! You know how I like the red heads........the working out is paying off quite nicely. I actually see a bit o' ab popping out from under the flab! I'm happy about that. I go to Atlanta Friday for the whole Dragoncon thing to make my brother happy. I'll take tons of pics of me in and out of the Michael Myers costume for your eyes to gander at. I better cut this short before I accidentally erase it. Love you!
Lesseee......still hanging out with that girl. She's pretty awesome. And a redhead! You know how I like the red heads........the working out is paying off quite nicely. I actually see a bit o' ab popping out from under the flab! I'm happy about that. I go to Atlanta Friday for the whole Dragoncon thing to make my brother happy. I'll take tons of pics of me in and out of the Michael Myers costume for your eyes to gander at. I better cut this short before I accidentally erase it. Love you!
there's a sample on my website
so what's this girl like??? she needs my approval
anyway...hope all is well your way!!