Well. Lemme tell ya, last night was......pretty frickin' sweet. To help you better understand what I'm talking about, I have drawn a long and detailed comic about my night with Jennifer. Without further ado, enjoy my beautiful artwork, and let the story sweep you off your feet.
Romantic, isn't it? Alcohol lightens even the toughest of situations doesn't it? Now, let's see what happens without it.
Other than that, got two hours of sleep and then I took a shower and went into town with my brother, got some of those suckass new Burger King chicken fries, and then went to the park and jog/walked four miles, then came home and worked out, and now here I am! Not a bad day in my mind. I also put in my application for part time at Barnes And Noble. I like books, and I like nerdy girls, so what's not to like! Anyway, I need sleep. Gnight!
Visit the wackiest gothdude of em all!

Romantic, isn't it? Alcohol lightens even the toughest of situations doesn't it? Now, let's see what happens without it.
Other than that, got two hours of sleep and then I took a shower and went into town with my brother, got some of those suckass new Burger King chicken fries, and then went to the park and jog/walked four miles, then came home and worked out, and now here I am! Not a bad day in my mind. I also put in my application for part time at Barnes And Noble. I like books, and I like nerdy girls, so what's not to like! Anyway, I need sleep. Gnight!
Visit the wackiest gothdude of em all!
great artwork...haha.
Oh i s'ppose ....