Pay no attention to that dude in the profile pic. I think he just had an epiphany and that's why he's glowing. Anyway, yeah, it's me. Another day, another twenty five cents. I bought a bottle of Bacardi and decided to just chill and sip on some rum, Grafton be damned. I didn't actually have to deal with him much today, aside from coming home and seeing him using my cotton swabs and shaving cream. Damnit. I'm not going to say anything about that until they are empty, then I'm just gonna be like "so, when are you gonna buy some more shaving cream?" Heh......oh, I saw Fantastic Four Sunday. I know what you're saying..."Jack, how could you?" But my brother wanted to see it, and he always pays for me, so why would I say no? But get wasn't half bad. Yep, it was an entertaining summer movie. Sure, I forgot half of what happened by the time I stepped foot out of the theater, but so what? It passed the time.
I'm going tomorrow to attempt to get a part time job at Barnes And Noble, since I know a dude who works there and a girl who likes me, so I'm gonna try to work that angle and see if she can help me out. Wish me luck!!!!
Update to update: What a wacky world this is. I came home from jogging at the park and take my clothes over to my brothers house to dry them. Then I come back here and guess who is in the house without permission, again??? Grafton's mom, fixing up his bedroom. Chris should have NEVER given her an extra key. I don't want this woman just coming in whenever she wants. What if I thought I were alone and was walking around the house with my hornswaggle swinging to and fro. Damnit. Anyway, I go in and she's wearing a tshirt that says "It aint' gonna lick itself". She's 45. Ew. I don't see myself licking it anytime soon. Don't get me wrong, she's hot for her age though. Anyway, she goes on to ramble about her kid and how she had to get a job to pay the bills since she sold her restaurant. What is that job, you may or may not ask? She strips at the Gold Club. My head almost exploded. Oooookay.....anyway, I told her I would come in and watch her dusty boobs flying this way and that some time. She left, and I took a shower. Oh, and I bought a book today called "Why Do Donuts Have Holes?: Fascinating Facts About What We Eat and Drink". Sounds fun huh? Yeah, I'll let you know how that goes. And I got the number of this girl I used to talk to. We're just friends. Okay, enough. Latee
Update to update of update: Forgot to mention, I bought another horrid movie for my brother. It's called "Tank" and it stars James Garner. The tagline is: "James Garner's at war-and driving a Sherman Tank!" Heeheee..........
Read my comic, because I want to feel special....

I'm going tomorrow to attempt to get a part time job at Barnes And Noble, since I know a dude who works there and a girl who likes me, so I'm gonna try to work that angle and see if she can help me out. Wish me luck!!!!
Update to update: What a wacky world this is. I came home from jogging at the park and take my clothes over to my brothers house to dry them. Then I come back here and guess who is in the house without permission, again??? Grafton's mom, fixing up his bedroom. Chris should have NEVER given her an extra key. I don't want this woman just coming in whenever she wants. What if I thought I were alone and was walking around the house with my hornswaggle swinging to and fro. Damnit. Anyway, I go in and she's wearing a tshirt that says "It aint' gonna lick itself". She's 45. Ew. I don't see myself licking it anytime soon. Don't get me wrong, she's hot for her age though. Anyway, she goes on to ramble about her kid and how she had to get a job to pay the bills since she sold her restaurant. What is that job, you may or may not ask? She strips at the Gold Club. My head almost exploded. Oooookay.....anyway, I told her I would come in and watch her dusty boobs flying this way and that some time. She left, and I took a shower. Oh, and I bought a book today called "Why Do Donuts Have Holes?: Fascinating Facts About What We Eat and Drink". Sounds fun huh? Yeah, I'll let you know how that goes. And I got the number of this girl I used to talk to. We're just friends. Okay, enough. Latee
Update to update of update: Forgot to mention, I bought another horrid movie for my brother. It's called "Tank" and it stars James Garner. The tagline is: "James Garner's at war-and driving a Sherman Tank!" Heeheee..........
Read my comic, because I want to feel special....

you are so silly. hm. i need to get crackin on my website so we can be website pals as well.
anyway. i think your gothy mcgee is genious. and im not just saying that because you look like a model
Dusty boobs. Heh. That is great.
I like books about food. I have like a dozen cookbooks, even though i never cook from them. This one i love is called How To Repair Food. Its all sorts of helpful hints of how to rescue food that has been "ruined" in one way or another. It has come in useful a few times. I've had it out from the library for like a year now......heh.
I really liked your Gothy McGee today. I left you a silly comment.
Ok have yerself a lovely day!