I just wrote this huge f'in update and hit the wrong button and deleted it, DAMNIT! Anyway, Still drawing, still hunkier than Dom Deluise, and still liking all of you. Later.
More fun than a barrel of pickled monkeys!
Check out this review of my comic by a fellow webcomicker:
I'd like to see more depression, more anger, more emotion in general. I don't like how the comic is more in the direction of a "goofy college roommates comic" than the "goth comic" I was expecting. There's a natural inner conflict with the comic because the gag-format contradicts the moody + brooding goth culture it's based on. I'm sure it can work but in Gothy McGee it just clashes too much I guess. Really I just wanted this to be more of a subtle humor comic like 8:1 and The Man Who Hates Fun. I think the comic would be more interesting if Gothy was a legitimate goth rather than the "poser goth" he seems to be a lot of the time (Gothy is pretty inconsistent though, you should work on defining his personality more.) All of the jokes were really misses for me, especially the awful Fat Gothy storyline. Also more suicidal stuff should be worked in.
I keep wanting to reference Johnny the Homicidal Maniac so I will. Over-the-top humor blended with depression, angst, and loathing. It's the first thing that comes to mind when I think of "humorous goth stuff."
Now, I can accept criticism, but this isn't very constructive. It's not depressing enough? What the hell?
It's called GOTHYMCGEE!!!!!! What did they expect?
Eh. I got some positive ones too. That one just stuck
out. His comic is horrid anyway. Sorry, just a bit
irritated. I'll keep on truckin.
More fun than a barrel of pickled monkeys!

Check out this review of my comic by a fellow webcomicker:
I'd like to see more depression, more anger, more emotion in general. I don't like how the comic is more in the direction of a "goofy college roommates comic" than the "goth comic" I was expecting. There's a natural inner conflict with the comic because the gag-format contradicts the moody + brooding goth culture it's based on. I'm sure it can work but in Gothy McGee it just clashes too much I guess. Really I just wanted this to be more of a subtle humor comic like 8:1 and The Man Who Hates Fun. I think the comic would be more interesting if Gothy was a legitimate goth rather than the "poser goth" he seems to be a lot of the time (Gothy is pretty inconsistent though, you should work on defining his personality more.) All of the jokes were really misses for me, especially the awful Fat Gothy storyline. Also more suicidal stuff should be worked in.
I keep wanting to reference Johnny the Homicidal Maniac so I will. Over-the-top humor blended with depression, angst, and loathing. It's the first thing that comes to mind when I think of "humorous goth stuff."
Now, I can accept criticism, but this isn't very constructive. It's not depressing enough? What the hell?
It's called GOTHYMCGEE!!!!!! What did they expect?
Eh. I got some positive ones too. That one just stuck
out. His comic is horrid anyway. Sorry, just a bit
irritated. I'll keep on truckin.

i've been suffering from lack-of-home-internet-itis, a terrible affliction which causes significant stress to ones online social life. I'm moving in August, and I'll be getting the internet all squared away at the new place, so updates will become far more regular again in the not too distant future. woot!
Well?! What're you waiting for? i got pictures up!