Well howdy doo peeps. I discovered the cause of my yellow eyes. It's this thing called pinquela or something close to that. It's not life threatening or anything, so don't you worry. I just need to start using eyedrops. Not much has been happening in the land o' Jack lately. Still working on getting back down to my trimmer self, and drawing like crazy. Um.....bought The Dead Zone season 3 the other day and watched it really quick. Damn I'm boring. I need to roll down some hills and go biking or take some ninjitsu classes or something. Eh. I'll figure something out.
Bushism o' the day: "I have learned from mistakes I may or may not have made."

Bushism o' the day: "I have learned from mistakes I may or may not have made."
I miss being virtually smooshed.
what do i want you ask?
oh lets seeee.....
a picture of Jack!