Chris, my roommate, got a kitten. Now, I don't mind animals, heck, I would own a howler monkey if I could, but this cat is ridiculous. Her name is Nina and she will NOT STOP MEOWING for a second. And if you don't believe me, I caught the little hussy in mid-meow. Check it out....
I tell you, Chris is never here, so I have to deal with this
monstrosity all the frickin' time. What would you do? Shut her in a room for a few hours so you could focus on
whatever you need to do? Hmm......
Anyway, right now Chris just left so I have the night to
blast music and draw. Which is what I want to do. I'm really loving this getting back into drawing. Do you have any
hobbies you've recently gotten back into?

I tell you, Chris is never here, so I have to deal with this
monstrosity all the frickin' time. What would you do? Shut her in a room for a few hours so you could focus on
whatever you need to do? Hmm......
Anyway, right now Chris just left so I have the night to
blast music and draw. Which is what I want to do. I'm really loving this getting back into drawing. Do you have any
hobbies you've recently gotten back into?
Anyway, the reason i really got on here. ok grab a chair... i DREAMT about you!
i called you and i guess we arranged to meet at a mutual friends' wedding. so we did. and i was all nervous thinking you werent gonna like me.
you did. and it was recipricated. uggghh. i hate dreams. anyway we took pictures together and did all kinds of cute things. then we met again at a school. (i guess we are in high school in my dream). see? weird. and we continued going out.
Jack... i guess you've been weighing heavy on my mind and i didnt even know it
anyway im not going any further. i just hope it makes you smile.