1. Tell me a good band to listen to.
2. Tell me a good place to shop for clothes.
3. Tell me your favorite brand of shoe.
4. Tell me why you don't update your profile pic more.
5. Tell me the last time you picked your nose.
6. Tell me the last line someone used on you.
7. Tell me a joke.
8. Tell me a good place to eat.
9. Tell me a bad place to eat.
10. Tell me something that annoys you.
11. Tell me a secret.
12. Tell me if someone asking you your age bothers you.
13. Tell me what the next trend in piercing is.
14. Tell me what you wanted to be when you grew up.
15. Tell me why you read my journal.
16. Tell me the last concert you went to.
17. Tell me if you ever owned a Michael Jackson cd.
18. Tell me if you ever owned a trucker cap.
19. Tell me if it's raining where you are right now.
20. Tell me if I'm asking too many questions.
21. Tell me if you have ever seen a therapist.
22. Tell me a fear you have.
23. Tell me if you want to get married.
24. Tell me if you want kids.
25. Tell me if you have names picked out for them.
26. Tell me those names.
27. Tell me if you believe in angels.
28. Tell me if I can make out with your face.
29 Tell me if that last request was a little too much.
30. Tell me if I'm a doofus.
Jack Carter's lame fact that you don't care about: I once didn't go out with a girl simply because her boobs were too big. Looking back, perhaps that was a mistake. Heh.
2. Tell me a good place to shop for clothes.
3. Tell me your favorite brand of shoe.
4. Tell me why you don't update your profile pic more.
5. Tell me the last time you picked your nose.
6. Tell me the last line someone used on you.
7. Tell me a joke.
8. Tell me a good place to eat.
9. Tell me a bad place to eat.
10. Tell me something that annoys you.
11. Tell me a secret.
12. Tell me if someone asking you your age bothers you.
13. Tell me what the next trend in piercing is.
14. Tell me what you wanted to be when you grew up.
15. Tell me why you read my journal.
16. Tell me the last concert you went to.
17. Tell me if you ever owned a Michael Jackson cd.
18. Tell me if you ever owned a trucker cap.
19. Tell me if it's raining where you are right now.
20. Tell me if I'm asking too many questions.
21. Tell me if you have ever seen a therapist.
22. Tell me a fear you have.
23. Tell me if you want to get married.
24. Tell me if you want kids.
25. Tell me if you have names picked out for them.
26. Tell me those names.
27. Tell me if you believe in angels.
28. Tell me if I can make out with your face.
29 Tell me if that last request was a little too much.
30. Tell me if I'm a doofus.
Jack Carter's lame fact that you don't care about: I once didn't go out with a girl simply because her boobs were too big. Looking back, perhaps that was a mistake. Heh.
2. Tell me a good place to shop for clothes. Thrift stores.
3. Tell me your favorite brand of shoe. Converse
4. Tell me why you don't update your profile pic more. I suck at pictures.
5. Tell me the last time you picked your nose. Last night, it was wicked!
6. Tell me the last line someone used on you. I promise i will take care of you
7. Tell me a joke. If I had a rooster and you had a donkey and your donkey ate my rooster. What would you have?
2 ft. of my cock in your ass.
8. Tell me a good place to eat. Home
9. Tell me a bad place to eat. Because of current events Wendy's
10. Tell me something that annoys you. short tempers
11. Tell me a secret. I kinda wanna be a ballerina
12. Tell me if someone asking you your age bothers you. nope
13. Tell me what the next trend in piercing is.
not having one. LOL
14. Tell me what you wanted to be when you grew up. dental hygenist
15. Tell me why you read my journal. cause we are buddies and you fascinate me
16. Tell me the last concert you went to. Walls of Jericho
17. Tell me if you ever owned a Michael Jackson cd. no i owned his tapes.
18. Tell me if you ever owned a trucker cap. NO
19. Tell me if it's raining where you are right now. For the first time in days its actually not.
20. Tell me if I'm asking too many questions. You can never ask too many questions
21. Tell me if you have ever seen a therapist. Yes, still do
22. Tell me a fear you have. Rejection
23. Tell me if you want to get married. Absolutely
24. Tell me if you want kids. YES
25. Tell me if you have names picked out for them. Yes
26. Tell me those names. Arwin (girl) Magnus (boy)
27. Tell me if you believe in angels. Yes
28. Tell me if I can make out with your face. im sick right now so probably wouldnt be a good idea.
29 Tell me if that last request was a little too much. no, I respect up forward people
30. Tell me if I'm a doofus. No, a silly willy but not a doofus.
1. Tell me a good band to listen to.
2. Tell me a good place to shop for clothes. There are some awesome t-shirts HERE.
3. Tell me your favorite brand of shoe. Uhhhh....the cheap kind. Actually, this cheap brand called "Highlights" makes high heels that fit me and are really comfortable. Same deal with "Premonition." Ah whatever, girly shoes.
4. Tell me why you don't update your profile pic more.
Because i don't really want my real face there.....i don't know. People who are curious will look at my PICS folders anywya, i guess. And oh yeah, i'm a lazy bitch.
5. Tell me the last time you picked your nose.
This morning.
6. Tell me the last line someone used on you.
Those clothes make your body look really nice
7. Tell me a joke.
Ok so this pirate walks into a bar, and he has one of those old wooden nautical wheels attached to his crotch. The bar tender asks him, "Did you know you have a wheel on your pants?" And the pirate replies "Aye, its driving me nuts."
(that is one out of two jokes i know :whatever
8. Tell me a good place to eat.
If you were in Corvallis Oregon i would suggest Tarn Tip thai restaraunt.
9. Tell me a bad place to eat.
uhhhhhhh.....the bottom shelf of my refidgerator!
10. Tell me something that annoys you.
Really annoying high pitched voice girly-girls who say "Yay" alot. I work with one. Gaaahrrrrgh.
11. Tell me a secret.
Well it wouldn't be a secret unless i told just you, would it?
12. Tell me if someone asking you your age bothers you.
Nope. Unless they say "Thats so young!" And then i get annoyed.
13. Tell me what the next trend in piercing is.
How about this nose piercing? See it HERE. Ow ow ow ow ow......
14. Tell me what you wanted to be when you grew up.
When i was really little a cowboy, a fireman, a police officer. As i grew up, an artist or poet. Now, i have no fucking clue. What do you want to be when you grow up, hmmm?
15. Tell me why you read my journal.
I like the way you recount what has happened in your day. I love the random facts about you. I really like your surveys as well. you seem like an interesting person and i wonder what you are like in person. I sort of have a crush on you. Why do you read mine?
16. Tell me the last concert you went to.
Nina Hagen, march 12, at Dantes in Portland.
17. Tell me if you ever owned a Michael Jackson cd.
Nope, but i've owned worse if you can imagine.
18. Tell me if you ever owned a trucker cap.
I look horrible, horrible, horrible in caps. so NO.
19. Tell me if it's raining where you are right now.
Yes, very much so actually.
20. Tell me if I'm asking too many questions.
It seems like a lot, but thats ok by me. Do you read all of everybodys answers? Are you writing a project about the surver results?
21. Tell me if you have ever seen a therapist.
In early highschool i did, and it helped.
22. Tell me a fear you have.
Injections / having blood taken. I cant watch injections on the TV or in movies, i have to cover my eyes.
23. Tell me if you want to get married.
I didn't used to think so. I still don't think so sometimes. but being extremely in love makes me waver on that sometimes. Also, i would get hella awesome presents! But....i dunno. Its not my main life goal, in other words. What about you?
24. Tell me if you want kids.
25. Tell me if you have names picked out for them.
Yes. (i used to think i wanted kids anyway)
26. Tell me those names.
Girl names: Mira, Echo Boy names: Sebastian, Orin
27. Tell me if you believe in angels.
No. Not unless you mean people who seem angelic in the positive way the affect your lives, how they swoop down to help you.
28. Tell me if I can make out with your face.
No, sorry, the boyfriend would get mad. Not that i'm not tempted.
29 Tell me if that last request was a little too much.
30. Tell me if I'm a doofus.
I wouldn't say doofus, i prefer the word dork, yeah anyway, i think you are a little, but that quality of being able to be silly is very appreciated. I like people who are a little goofy and have a good sense of humor.