I like vodka. But that bottle is ridiculously huuuuuge. And it's in my pics section now. I change my profile pic waaaaay too much.
Chris came home last night lookin' like a wannabe
gangsta. Little ten carat gold chain on the outside of his
shirt, Hooters skully pulled low, big three sizes too big blue
I told my mom I wasn't coming around the house again
until she got that crackhead loser off the property.
I told a woman to go to hell yesterday because she said it
to me a few days earlier. She can't remember saying it.
I have the sorta hots for a younger girl. I feel kinda odd
about it.
I had to work so no parade for me today. Shit.
Sorry about that pic. And the tacky wallpaper and shit. It's not my place. If it was it would look like a bordello up in here.
Does ANYONE have silk or satin sheets? What's wrong with you people?
I'm about to start majorly working out again. Summer and all that. Gotta get in decent shape for the ladies...
Would you rather have a pet salamander or a pet Pauly Shore?
Should I grow one of those greasy porn star mustaches?
I want my white picket fence and green grass and two story house with my sexy wife in booty shorts and high heels and an apron making dinner while I read the evening paper in the den......
I want one of those bad ass black coats that go all the way down to your knees.....someone buy me one?
Would you rather live in the city or in the country?
I want some bacon.
I have this thing for girls pretty toes. Am I a sicko?
I wanna wear more suits.
I once cut down trees for a living. Didn't last long.
I used to have a Mustang Convertible. I also had a Ford Explorer. Now I have a Mitsubishi Galant.
The Daily Show is so frickin funny.
What's your favorite color blouse or shirt to wear? Mine is, yes, black. Dark blue a close second. But once and a while I will surprise you with a white shirt! Ha!
Talk about random. I'm out.
Jack Factoid for your face: I once got an emerald stuck in my right nostril when I was a kid and freaked out because I couldn't get it out. Eventually it did though.
Man, these facts are getting sorta thin.
Ooo, I had a dream the other night Britney Spears was taking a shower in my bathroom. What the hell?
Chris came home last night lookin' like a wannabe
gangsta. Little ten carat gold chain on the outside of his
shirt, Hooters skully pulled low, big three sizes too big blue
I told my mom I wasn't coming around the house again
until she got that crackhead loser off the property.
I told a woman to go to hell yesterday because she said it
to me a few days earlier. She can't remember saying it.
I have the sorta hots for a younger girl. I feel kinda odd
about it.
I had to work so no parade for me today. Shit.
Sorry about that pic. And the tacky wallpaper and shit. It's not my place. If it was it would look like a bordello up in here.
Does ANYONE have silk or satin sheets? What's wrong with you people?
I'm about to start majorly working out again. Summer and all that. Gotta get in decent shape for the ladies...
Would you rather have a pet salamander or a pet Pauly Shore?
Should I grow one of those greasy porn star mustaches?
I want my white picket fence and green grass and two story house with my sexy wife in booty shorts and high heels and an apron making dinner while I read the evening paper in the den......
I want one of those bad ass black coats that go all the way down to your knees.....someone buy me one?
Would you rather live in the city or in the country?
I want some bacon.
I have this thing for girls pretty toes. Am I a sicko?
I wanna wear more suits.
I once cut down trees for a living. Didn't last long.
I used to have a Mustang Convertible. I also had a Ford Explorer. Now I have a Mitsubishi Galant.
The Daily Show is so frickin funny.
What's your favorite color blouse or shirt to wear? Mine is, yes, black. Dark blue a close second. But once and a while I will surprise you with a white shirt! Ha!
Talk about random. I'm out.
Jack Factoid for your face: I once got an emerald stuck in my right nostril when I was a kid and freaked out because I couldn't get it out. Eventually it did though.
Man, these facts are getting sorta thin.
Ooo, I had a dream the other night Britney Spears was taking a shower in my bathroom. What the hell?