Um......hi. What a way to start an entry eh? I'm just trying to find something to update about. I've been watching The Dead Zone Season 2 a lot the last few days seeing as how I've been sick AGAIN, and I have to say this is an amazingly well done show. Who would have thought that the geek from Sixteen Candles(Anthony Michael Hall) would make such a good actor and good looking adult. He's badass on this show. Anyway, what else......Oh, I'm sick in the pic to the right. My eyes look burnt out or something. I took some pics of pics I have in a box with my camera phone and put em in my pics section. Just a few of friends and stuff. They are a little fuzzy but the best I could do with the phone cam. I've mentioned Leisa a few times, well I put a pic of her in there too.
So does anyone have any home remedies for the flu or sinus problems or a cold? I've been sucking down chicken soup, but is there anything else?
Hmm.......oh, go to a site called because it is HILARIOUS in the way the dude makes fun of celebrities in a totally non pc way. And I love anything non pc. Oh, hold on, lemme blow my nose.
I should have some sort of questions or something, but I can't think of any. I'm sorry. Also, I'm feelin kinda low, because of the sickness and all, and I think that sort of heightens the feelings of crappiness that smaller problems give you. You know what I mean? When you're sick everything just seems a little worse? Yeah. You understand. Like, say, this little problem with my mom getting sorta married to this dude. Eck. I just can't shake the feeling that she deserves better than a guy who just got out of jail and doesn't have a car or a job. Hm. And the fact that she let's this piece of shit drug using leech of a man stay on her property in a camper. I hate this man. I know I shouldn't hate, but he isn't getting anything else from me. I told my brother to tell her I'm not coming around anymore until he is gone from the property. Harsh? Maybe. But I've been telling her, hell, my brothers have been too, to get rid of him for like a year now, and he's still there, doing his shady business like nothing is wrong. ARGH. Hm. Maybe I should stop now. I'm fine though. Really. Just venting while I'm lying around here recuperating. I love you all.
Jack Fact O' The Day: I remember one time I climbed on the roof of our house and my brother knocked down the ladder and started throwing rocks at a hornet's nest while I was up there, and they stung the shit outta me and I jumped off the roof. Fun times!!!!
So does anyone have any home remedies for the flu or sinus problems or a cold? I've been sucking down chicken soup, but is there anything else?
Hmm.......oh, go to a site called because it is HILARIOUS in the way the dude makes fun of celebrities in a totally non pc way. And I love anything non pc. Oh, hold on, lemme blow my nose.
I should have some sort of questions or something, but I can't think of any. I'm sorry. Also, I'm feelin kinda low, because of the sickness and all, and I think that sort of heightens the feelings of crappiness that smaller problems give you. You know what I mean? When you're sick everything just seems a little worse? Yeah. You understand. Like, say, this little problem with my mom getting sorta married to this dude. Eck. I just can't shake the feeling that she deserves better than a guy who just got out of jail and doesn't have a car or a job. Hm. And the fact that she let's this piece of shit drug using leech of a man stay on her property in a camper. I hate this man. I know I shouldn't hate, but he isn't getting anything else from me. I told my brother to tell her I'm not coming around anymore until he is gone from the property. Harsh? Maybe. But I've been telling her, hell, my brothers have been too, to get rid of him for like a year now, and he's still there, doing his shady business like nothing is wrong. ARGH. Hm. Maybe I should stop now. I'm fine though. Really. Just venting while I'm lying around here recuperating. I love you all.
Jack Fact O' The Day: I remember one time I climbed on the roof of our house and my brother knocked down the ladder and started throwing rocks at a hornet's nest while I was up there, and they stung the shit outta me and I jumped off the roof. Fun times!!!!
thanks for your was funny in a way. I mean, neither of us is old. Yeah, and me being 23, its stupid for me to complain because a lot of my friends are in their 30's and 40's and i don't even think they are old at all, so what am i whining about? eh. A lot of people live to be 90 now, thats fucking old.....
21 sucked for me. I think last year (22) was my best year in some ways. I am starting to feel like maybe i will feel an upswing again someday, but i bet it will have to be brought on by some progress in my life and right now i am not attempting to make any.