Calling all dorks!!! Aoooooga! Aoooooga!!
Sorry. Anyway, I went a clothes shoppin' today, and found a fourteen dollar zip up hoodie-like jacket at yes, Old Navy(shout out to my peeps) and a blue long sleeve shirt for nine bucks. Bargain shopper, anyone? What else.......bought some Smirnoff cranberry vodka last night and Chris bought this HUGE bottle of Vox vodka for thirty something bucks. We drink like kings here in ye ole Savannah. Oh, and I bought another pair of jeans at Pac Sun and the girls there were really really nice. But the only thing that kinda got to me is that they asked me where I work and I told em and they told me I look like I should be working at the Gap or something. What the Frack? I mean, I didn't really notice, but I guess I was dressed like that. Black blazer, button up blue shirt underneath, dark jeans and white Adidas. Afterwords I felt like a wannabe Usher or something. BLECK. So I quickly came home and put on my AFI tshirt and some raggedy jeans and Converse. Heh. I don't know........I was talking to Chris and I said I know this is stupid, but what happened to me? I used to be all pierced up and always dressed in black shirts and torn up jeans and Doc Martens........I know I know, clothes don't make the man or whatever, but it still sorta bugs me that I've changed so much in the past few years, and I don't really know why and if it's for the worse or the better. Just thinking too much, I suppose. I guess I'm still the same person and I like the same music and other interests, maybe I just like to look more manly or something? Hm. Maybe it's my age telling me it's time to grow up doofus face. Of course right now I'm wearing a black tshirt that says "I'm nice to one person each day and today is not your day". Maybe I've still got some of that old Jack Carter in me. And I will still rock yo face.
Jack Fact O' The Day: I've had two cars repossessed! Go Me! I bet you wanna date me now eh? Heh.
Shakespeare O' The Day: "She is ill-met by moonlight." - A Midsummer Nights Dream
Fortune Cookie O' The Day: Everything has beauty but
not everyone sees it.
Questions O' The Day:
1. Do you own stripey socks?
2. What color is your couch?
3. Would you spend more than fifty bucks on a pair of
4. What's your fave grocery store?
5. When you look out of your back windows of your
house/apartment, what do you see?
6. Would you sleep in a tub filled with rank sour cream
wearing a pair of rotten steak undies overnight for
a years worth of international cheeses from the
Cheese of The Month Club?
7. If it was real and you knew how, would you use the
Vulcan Nerve Pinch to knock someone out? Who?
8. What did you dress as at the last Halloween you
dressed up to?
9. How faithful are you to a dude/dudette you are with?
What can he/she do to make you less faithful?
10. Am I at least almost as funny as Carrot ToP?
HAR HAR.......nuff of that. sacrifice a bowl of cereal in my honor and respond posthaste!!!!!!
Sorry. Anyway, I went a clothes shoppin' today, and found a fourteen dollar zip up hoodie-like jacket at yes, Old Navy(shout out to my peeps) and a blue long sleeve shirt for nine bucks. Bargain shopper, anyone? What else.......bought some Smirnoff cranberry vodka last night and Chris bought this HUGE bottle of Vox vodka for thirty something bucks. We drink like kings here in ye ole Savannah. Oh, and I bought another pair of jeans at Pac Sun and the girls there were really really nice. But the only thing that kinda got to me is that they asked me where I work and I told em and they told me I look like I should be working at the Gap or something. What the Frack? I mean, I didn't really notice, but I guess I was dressed like that. Black blazer, button up blue shirt underneath, dark jeans and white Adidas. Afterwords I felt like a wannabe Usher or something. BLECK. So I quickly came home and put on my AFI tshirt and some raggedy jeans and Converse. Heh. I don't know........I was talking to Chris and I said I know this is stupid, but what happened to me? I used to be all pierced up and always dressed in black shirts and torn up jeans and Doc Martens........I know I know, clothes don't make the man or whatever, but it still sorta bugs me that I've changed so much in the past few years, and I don't really know why and if it's for the worse or the better. Just thinking too much, I suppose. I guess I'm still the same person and I like the same music and other interests, maybe I just like to look more manly or something? Hm. Maybe it's my age telling me it's time to grow up doofus face. Of course right now I'm wearing a black tshirt that says "I'm nice to one person each day and today is not your day". Maybe I've still got some of that old Jack Carter in me. And I will still rock yo face.
Jack Fact O' The Day: I've had two cars repossessed! Go Me! I bet you wanna date me now eh? Heh.
Shakespeare O' The Day: "She is ill-met by moonlight." - A Midsummer Nights Dream
Fortune Cookie O' The Day: Everything has beauty but
not everyone sees it.
Questions O' The Day:
1. Do you own stripey socks?
2. What color is your couch?
3. Would you spend more than fifty bucks on a pair of
4. What's your fave grocery store?
5. When you look out of your back windows of your
house/apartment, what do you see?
6. Would you sleep in a tub filled with rank sour cream
wearing a pair of rotten steak undies overnight for
a years worth of international cheeses from the
Cheese of The Month Club?
7. If it was real and you knew how, would you use the
Vulcan Nerve Pinch to knock someone out? Who?
8. What did you dress as at the last Halloween you
dressed up to?
9. How faithful are you to a dude/dudette you are with?
What can he/she do to make you less faithful?
10. Am I at least almost as funny as Carrot ToP?
HAR HAR.......nuff of that. sacrifice a bowl of cereal in my honor and respond posthaste!!!!!!
btw i am the number one bargain shopper.
i dont shop!!!
[Edited on Mar 12, 2005 11:51PM]
1. Do you own stripey socks?
Um yeah, like a bajillion pair. My cheeze factor totally swings like that, yo.
2. What color is your couch?
Off white with an ugly sort of pale leaf pattern on it. this couch used to live in a trailer, apparently.
3. Would you spend more than fifty bucks on a pair of
Uh, it would have to definately make my ass look like fuckin Dy-no-mite! Otherwise, no.
4. What's your fave grocery store? DRROOOOL Whole Foods in Portland OR.....i just went there yesterday they have sooooo much great stuff.....Giant deli, hot food bar, adn salad bar. Hmm. I still love groceries even though i work in one. Weird.
5. When you look out of your back windows of your
house/apartment, what do you see?
6. Would you sleep in a tub filled with rank sour cream
wearing a pair of rotten steak undies overnight for
a years worth of international cheeses from the
Cheese of The Month Club?
What kinds of cheeses do these fine purveyors of cheese have to offer? Ummm, could i have like a whole WHEEL of cheese every month? Because that would be the clincher right there. Its at least a wheel, or i'm out!!! Take it or leave it! Ha.
7. If it was real and you knew how, would you use the
Vulcan Nerve Pinch to knock someone out? Who?
Oh fuck yes. Dude, i work at customer service in a grocery store. "oh you don't like the way that cod liver oil tasted? Its fucking cod liver oil!!!" PINCH! Muah hah hah. I guess i would use it for evil.
8. What did you dress as at the last Halloween you
dressed up to?
Last year i was the evil toothfairy, see evidence HERE of the drunken costumedness.
9. How faithful are you to a dude/dudette you are with?
What can he/she do to make you less faithful?
I have never cheated on anyone. And i have never gotten "less faithful" but i have broken it off with people, all for different reasons. I sound so heartless, but i have only had like 6 relationships in my life including highschool. I have been with this guy (Greg) for three years, we did break up at one point early on in the realtionship because we had communication problmes, mostly on his he wouldn't ever talk, and he was working late at night so we never saw eachother. I met someone else, i broke up with Greg before anything happened with the other person, and then i felt so fucking bad and missed Greg so much that nothing ever did happen and we got back together ater about a week. We have been dating three years since then i think.
10. Am I at least almost as funny as Carrot ToP?
You are funny, but in saying that, then you must be the antithesis of Carrot Top!