Just my luck that I would start getting better and then SMACK, right back to sick. I managed to call in to work and
tell them I couldnt' go in again, and I was able to go cash my state tax refund check around noon and buy three more
types of flu medicine. Yes, it's the dreaded flu! I just looked up the symptoms and it's all about the headache, stuffy nose, chest pains and other bodily aches, coughing, etc. At least I know what it is and know how to deal with it. And at least I'm already off tomorrow, so I don't have to piss them off again and not come in again. I so want to get outside and breathe fresh air, but it's like fifty degrees and rainy and windy, perfect weather for me right now eh? Blah. My head is all groggy from the various pills and liquid meds I've been taking....like I'm in a bad dream, yet it's populated with lots of hot goth chicks.....and please tell me I don't look like Chris Kattan. Heh. Why kick a brotha when he's down? Although I probably could pull off a wicked Mango for Halloween......
Jack Fact O' blah blah- I once put a caterpillar into the barrel of an airgun and blasted my uncle with it when he just put on a fresh white shirt. Hey, I was a kid.
need more chicken soup?????
Sick Sucks. I'll bet it's this awful fluctuating weather down here...