What have I done.......not much! Other than cash my sorta large tax refund check, and then proceed to blow ninety percent of it over the course of about two hours. AAAAGH! BUT, I did do some good things with it. Here, my friends, is the list, from beginning to end.
1. First, I bought breakfast, because it was breakfast time!
2. THEN, I actually wasted fifty bucks on a pair of shoes for
golf. I know I know, why. I dunno. Because the money
was in my pocket? I guess. I'm not even a big fan of the
"sport". But whatever.
3. I went to Southcoast Medical and paid a three hundred
dollar outstanding bill I had. That made me feel goood.
4. What next.......oh, I did drive to two different tattoo
places, but they weren't open yet. Those suckers lost
5. Then I went to Media Play and bought the Angel
Season 5 dvd set, because I'm a goober like that. I
also bought a few little gifts for freinds, because I'm
just a swell dude.
6. After all that money spending, I stopped and got my
oil changed while I walked over to the grocery store
across the street and bought food. HEALTHY food,
mind you, so I can knock off these extra pounds. I
then came back and got my car. Oh, got my
windshield wipers replaced as well.
7. Smiling with glee, I chugged along with my fresh
oil over to the mall, looking for a new shirt, or
perhaps a new pair of shoes. Ran into a coworker.
Proceeded to leave without buying anything.
8. I then stopped and got lunch to bring home.
Chinese. Cooking takes time. Eh.
9. Almost home, I stopped at the convenience store
and purchased one three hundred and fitty dollar
money order, and one one hundred dollars one. I
tell ya, money and I just never seem to stay together
very long. I then drove home, mentally and
financially depleted. Yet relaxed and calm.
And there you have it. Money in the pocket is money to
burn. You might as well pour gas in my pants and gimme a match. I spent it so fast today I think I have
second degree burns. Well, that was a buncha useless
information. Here's a fact.....
Jack fact o' the day-I took out my tongue ring a few
months ago because I bit down on it and cracked a
tooth in FRIGGIN HALF!! I guess we just weren't meant
to have stainless steel in our tongues? Hm.
Oh, and starting with this journalydoo, I will be inserting
a daily bit of Shakespearian knowledge on your wanting eyes. Please, feel free to use this daily delicious morsel of craftiness at your leisure. Enjoy!
Shakespeare for your eyeholes- "The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes." Coriolanus
1. First, I bought breakfast, because it was breakfast time!
2. THEN, I actually wasted fifty bucks on a pair of shoes for
golf. I know I know, why. I dunno. Because the money
was in my pocket? I guess. I'm not even a big fan of the
"sport". But whatever.
3. I went to Southcoast Medical and paid a three hundred
dollar outstanding bill I had. That made me feel goood.
4. What next.......oh, I did drive to two different tattoo
places, but they weren't open yet. Those suckers lost
5. Then I went to Media Play and bought the Angel
Season 5 dvd set, because I'm a goober like that. I
also bought a few little gifts for freinds, because I'm
just a swell dude.
6. After all that money spending, I stopped and got my
oil changed while I walked over to the grocery store
across the street and bought food. HEALTHY food,
mind you, so I can knock off these extra pounds. I
then came back and got my car. Oh, got my
windshield wipers replaced as well.
7. Smiling with glee, I chugged along with my fresh
oil over to the mall, looking for a new shirt, or
perhaps a new pair of shoes. Ran into a coworker.
Proceeded to leave without buying anything.
8. I then stopped and got lunch to bring home.
Chinese. Cooking takes time. Eh.
9. Almost home, I stopped at the convenience store
and purchased one three hundred and fitty dollar
money order, and one one hundred dollars one. I
tell ya, money and I just never seem to stay together
very long. I then drove home, mentally and
financially depleted. Yet relaxed and calm.
And there you have it. Money in the pocket is money to
burn. You might as well pour gas in my pants and gimme a match. I spent it so fast today I think I have
second degree burns. Well, that was a buncha useless
information. Here's a fact.....
Jack fact o' the day-I took out my tongue ring a few
months ago because I bit down on it and cracked a
tooth in FRIGGIN HALF!! I guess we just weren't meant
to have stainless steel in our tongues? Hm.
Oh, and starting with this journalydoo, I will be inserting
a daily bit of Shakespearian knowledge on your wanting eyes. Please, feel free to use this daily delicious morsel of craftiness at your leisure. Enjoy!
Shakespeare for your eyeholes- "The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes." Coriolanus
The list of folks I know who've cracked or cipped teeth on tongue studs continues to grow... and some of the Bard back at ya:
Claudio: Can the world buy such a jewel?
Benedick: Yea, and a case to put it in!