Okay...tell me what's wrong with me: I just downloaded a bunch of depressing songs from Itunes and walked four miles listening to them in my backyard. I've had no energy all day and no positive thoughts. Well, if you guessed missing Jennifer, then you're right! Ugh....how long will this last....one other note: I was going to try and not take any pain meds today, to see how long I could last without em, but ended up taking a couple anyway. I'm a little nervous to do it. Man up? Later. 
Edit: Good God, she just texted me asking me for money to get Dylan(her 7 yr old son, who called me Daddy for for the last few years)school supplies. NOPE. Why the hell does she think I would do that when she's with ANOTHER GUY. He should do it! I don't trust her anyway. Everytime I start missing her, she does something like this. Where is that wine I bought....

Edit: Good God, she just texted me asking me for money to get Dylan(her 7 yr old son, who called me Daddy for for the last few years)school supplies. NOPE. Why the hell does she think I would do that when she's with ANOTHER GUY. He should do it! I don't trust her anyway. Everytime I start missing her, she does something like this. Where is that wine I bought....
Based solely on my blog? What about my southern beauty or girlish vivacity?