There is something just so gratifying about being able to deny help to the one you spent five years with, but now they want to try being with someone else. You refuse to come back to me, I refuse to send money to you. Tit for tat. Is that how you use that phrase? Anyway, man. What do I want to do differently in my life now that I'm single again. Well, I want to find a new ladyfriend to hang out with, but that'll come when it comes. For now I'm just working and doing a webcomic that I hope will get popular enough to make some kewl tshirts and just have people enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy making it. Trying to like life, if not love it. What would you do in this situation? Have you been through a similar situation as this? Help.
i have never been through a similar situation. the only advice i can give you, is dont take xanax to sleep! unless, it's not often. seriously, it's the worst shit ever. i cant believe they prescribe it to anyone. i've gone through withdrawal from painkillers before, its like cake compared to this shit.
lol, i'm saying compared to xanax. just dont get hooked