Oopsie. I seem to have shaved my head. Oh well. It'll grow back. I pulled a Britney Spears. I was all messed up in the head after telling my exfiance not to call me anymore last night, because she's with another guy and if she won't be back with me, then it hurts me too much to hear from her every other week. So I got home from work and shaved my head. It's good to deal with our issues, isn't it?
More Blogs
Wednesday Aug 11, 2010
Man.....on the subject of painkillers....man, them thangs is addictiv… -
Tuesday Aug 10, 2010
There is something just so gratifying about being able to deny help … -
Monday Aug 09, 2010
Well, after more texts today where she asked me for money and why I w… -
Sunday Aug 08, 2010
OH MY GOD. After baring my soul to the ex over the phone, and having … -
Saturday Aug 07, 2010
Oopsie. I seem to have shaved my head. Oh well. It'll grow back. I pu… -
Friday Aug 06, 2010
Finally! Have the new laptop back after my brother saved it from the … -
Thursday Aug 05, 2010
The cpu still isn't fixed, but it's being worked on. Just walked thre… -
Wednesday Aug 04, 2010
Oooookay.....new computer is suddenly LOADED with viruses. My brother… -
Sunday Aug 01, 2010
I neeeed to go to the doc and get some painkillers. my back and joint… -
Saturday Jul 31, 2010
Bought this laptop from my brothers girl, now I'm probably going to b…
I like Whoppers, too; apparently not as much as you do, though.
*hugs* I bet you look super cute