Energy Reserves = 0
Consumption of cranapplerasberryjuice and luna bar =
Back to taking on the world. My friggen editor wants a revised version of the Book Arts article before this weekend.
I must read the entirity of Fear and Trembling by tommorow. I
existentialism, but kirekagards writting =
and shit i stil need to do the street team action for the raspy album. baaah.
i finally found a ride to the concert. not only this, but all of my friends want to go now.
might be attending a poetry reading tommorow night.
that or, if not in addition, to a crazy fashion show. with a theme on something about the revolution. which would be fun too, i want to get dressy. i want to wear my wide brim hat.
tonight complete strangers are going to invade my room.
prospective students = pests.
why did i sign up as a hostess?
oh well. maybe theyll be cute and entertaining.
sugar already kicking in.
Consumption of cranapplerasberryjuice and luna bar =
Back to taking on the world. My friggen editor wants a revised version of the Book Arts article before this weekend.
I must read the entirity of Fear and Trembling by tommorow. I

and shit i stil need to do the street team action for the raspy album. baaah.
i finally found a ride to the concert. not only this, but all of my friends want to go now.
might be attending a poetry reading tommorow night.
that or, if not in addition, to a crazy fashion show. with a theme on something about the revolution. which would be fun too, i want to get dressy. i want to wear my wide brim hat.
tonight complete strangers are going to invade my room.
prospective students = pests.
why did i sign up as a hostess?
oh well. maybe theyll be cute and entertaining.
sugar already kicking in.
Don't work TOO hard.