My head hurts. I tihnk Im vaguely delerious. and I need to go back to bed. jebus. I was roused at 9 in the am for a random trip to good ol Target. Thanks mom.
Of course, I really needed to go, but it couldnve been any earlier could it.
I got socks. I love boy socks. girl socks rot, unless they have cute prints on them. For plain black socks, I always go boy.
Mum was driving me and the sister batty with her after holidays clearance shopping. the aisles of crappy left over merchandice were endless...but somewhat rewarding when i happened across a BEEF LOG OF YULE! we didnt get any hickory farms beef sticks like we usually do, so I made me mum buy it. nothing like discount meat.
Also went to Rasputins. Bought a Le Tigre cd...and also a Distillers cd even though i'd never actually heard them before. i only bought it because i know my giiirlfriend had. ;p
i think i will go take a nap and dream about BFEM. murrr.
Of course, I really needed to go, but it couldnve been any earlier could it.
I got socks. I love boy socks. girl socks rot, unless they have cute prints on them. For plain black socks, I always go boy.
Mum was driving me and the sister batty with her after holidays clearance shopping. the aisles of crappy left over merchandice were endless...but somewhat rewarding when i happened across a BEEF LOG OF YULE! we didnt get any hickory farms beef sticks like we usually do, so I made me mum buy it. nothing like discount meat.
Also went to Rasputins. Bought a Le Tigre cd...and also a Distillers cd even though i'd never actually heard them before. i only bought it because i know my giiirlfriend had. ;p

i think i will go take a nap and dream about BFEM. murrr.
enjoy your letigre. i recommend "get off the internet"
happy newyear!
Ms. Hanna is so hot