Thank the appropriate figurehead-type divinity that its finally the weekend.
I'm sick of this shithole town, and 99.99999% of the people in it. Which if I did my maths correctly. leaves about 12 people who I'm not completely sick of. Which is about right.
I just want to go home.
I miss my beach, I miss the mountain, I miss the FRIENDLY people, I miss the fact that if I want to be alone, I have an area the size of this shit-arse city to basically lose myself in and not see another human being until I want to.
This town is suffocating me. One of my mates from back home came up last weekend and she told me, "You're not the same person anymore".
I used to be the rock, I am the one that everyone came to to lean on, to cry on, to just be there for anyone who needed me.
I am not that person anymore.
And that fucken sucks.
I need to go home.
I'm sick of this shithole town, and 99.99999% of the people in it. Which if I did my maths correctly. leaves about 12 people who I'm not completely sick of. Which is about right.
I just want to go home.
I miss my beach, I miss the mountain, I miss the FRIENDLY people, I miss the fact that if I want to be alone, I have an area the size of this shit-arse city to basically lose myself in and not see another human being until I want to.
This town is suffocating me. One of my mates from back home came up last weekend and she told me, "You're not the same person anymore".
I used to be the rock, I am the one that everyone came to to lean on, to cry on, to just be there for anyone who needed me.
I am not that person anymore.
And that fucken sucks.
I need to go home.
we're not all scum suckers, i promise.
going for a walk along Muriwai always does wonders for my state of mind.