Im baaaaack...
You will vote for me for SJS Survivor. Survivor at University, 5 students, 5 days, $2000 main prize. Vote for me, text Josh to 333 on Vodafone, or theres a ballot box in the auckland uni quad. do it. must run, i'm not supposed to be on the comp. vote for me.
is this thing still going?
Alright, here it goes then...
Had Christmas back in sweet home Taranaki, and my old man finally let me drive the company car. Which probably wasnt such a good idea because I almost put us upside down in a river. But it was a sweet drive, and it was awesome seeing the whole family again. And the food. Oh god, the food. Living in a...
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Had Christmas back in sweet home Taranaki, and my old man finally let me drive the company car. Which probably wasnt such a good idea because I almost put us upside down in a river. But it was a sweet drive, and it was awesome seeing the whole family again. And the food. Oh god, the food. Living in a...
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Hello! (echo, echo, echo)
Holy crap its been a while innit?
been up to lots of weird and wonderful adventures, but i'll update later on today when i sober up a bit. another crazy tuesday night. its now 4.20 am on a wednesday so now is probably not the best time to update. but i promise i will.
until then...
Holy crap its been a while innit?
been up to lots of weird and wonderful adventures, but i'll update later on today when i sober up a bit. another crazy tuesday night. its now 4.20 am on a wednesday so now is probably not the best time to update. but i promise i will.
until then...
innit just
meh. the photo in my post below is supposed to be perhaps my favourite photo of myself. see it here. or, if the link doesnt work, just have a look through my photos, its the only one in the folder labelled "random".
having had my little self promotion moment i'll let you all get some sleep now.
having had my little self promotion moment i'll let you all get some sleep now.
ha. too funny. Yeh girls are evil!
You have a lesbian flatmate?! I didn't know that

Cool pic.. attitude

hey wow we really were born on the same day haha
happy bday to you too! $25 incl postage if you want a guitar pic!
happy bday to you too! $25 incl postage if you want a guitar pic!
wow, so I really meant to say hi to you today, but I got distracted and forgot. yeh. I'm a bit over it all right now...I thought I found a nice person to be with, but she changed her mind, and now I'm all screwed up and more jaded than before. People are teh sux!
random pics
meh, i'll update tomorrow
Can I borrow $380? Flatting is a lot harder than it looks

borrowed it off the gf huh? sounds serious haha
I am so tired right now. Heres a few slices for all you voyeurs out there...
Tuesday night: went to mermaids again, had my first alcohol-induced vomit session in the bathroom there
nasty stuff. hooked up with 3 very good friends of mine, to of whom are of the same gender as myself. nasty stuff. the third person is perhaps the hottest girl i have...
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Tuesday night: went to mermaids again, had my first alcohol-induced vomit session in the bathroom there

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haha sounds like crazy fun
Greetings and salutations. The last two or three days has been kinda weird. Or normal. but what is normal? weird days are normal. Im confused. and drunk.
Anyhoo. last night we hit the town (ie mermaids). managed to freeload off my drunk friends and not spend a single cent. got home at 6am.
this morning i slept through my alarm. woke up two and a...
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Anyhoo. last night we hit the town (ie mermaids). managed to freeload off my drunk friends and not spend a single cent. got home at 6am.
this morning i slept through my alarm. woke up two and a...
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uh oh

oh dear ha
Flatwarming. Here. 11th of November. Be here or be pentagonal.
Here? as
thats a novel idea

Gosh, I really like how you say that "Everyone is invited, even you" even me?! EVEN me? as if somehow its a miracle?!