So, I plan on applying to be a hopeful within the next few weeks and I've started brainstorming for my first set! But I'm not quite sure of how to find a photographer, as none of the staff photographers are as close to my area as I would have liked. Should I work with a hopeful photographer? How do I find one? Any tips? Recommendations?

It would be so cool to work with you! @mysteriumtremens . Thanks so much! I absolutely can <3

I think you would make an excellent SG! If that is still you're plan, you should submit your application first and once you get your Hopeful status, apply for membership to the SG Hopefuls only group. They've got a place to rant or compliment photographers and its a great place to start in your search for a professional photog. You can also run a search for the Trusted photographer list in the Everything SG group for a list of tried and true photogs that are great but just haven't reached staff level yet! Either way, I would do a bunch of research and look into the portfolios of anyone you're considering to make sure you'll be happy with the end result. Good luck! I can't wait to see your first set.