Until my family decided to take my grandmother in during her last few months, I had really never encountered death. Yeah, I've had close friends and family die, but this is so so so much different. Caring for and tending to a woman who has beat cancer two times, only to have it return and kill her on its third occurrence it just heart wrenching. It's only been a few weeks, but to watch a vibrant, independent firecracker of a woman become zombie-like and unable to move or use the bathroom on her own is such a reality check. In these past few weeks, I have learned so much about life and death and what a gift it is to be alive. I guess this experience is something I'm really grateful for because it's taught me that you can't really experience and enjoy life until you've encountered death.
those moments in like are hard lessons that we all carry for a long time. remember the person she was and not the prolong illness effects on the family. rejoice what she was to you as a person. we lost our mother in april of this year. the painful part will be all the up coming holidays and birthdays.
You're the sweetest <3 So sorry for your loss! :(