The world is a very strange place *sigh* i guess you never get the hang of it... or if you do you automatically cease to exists... heh.. had an odd day again but now i am feeling good... why am i so fickle? tiz crazy.
Got a response from Natwest (the worse bank in the world, i would say universe but there yet may still be a worse monetary storage company out there... but i doubt it) they say that due to a production error i wont get my cards until the following monday...!!? i knew something would go wrong... ah well c la vie.. so this means i can't order anything online for Halloween... tomorrow i'm gonna go into town setup a new account with another bank and transfer as much as i can to them... once i get my cards thats it, natwest see you laters... *mutter* *mutter*
Anyways have a good after morning and i wish you all a perfect picninc.
Got a response from Natwest (the worse bank in the world, i would say universe but there yet may still be a worse monetary storage company out there... but i doubt it) they say that due to a production error i wont get my cards until the following monday...!!? i knew something would go wrong... ah well c la vie.. so this means i can't order anything online for Halloween... tomorrow i'm gonna go into town setup a new account with another bank and transfer as much as i can to them... once i get my cards thats it, natwest see you laters... *mutter* *mutter*

Anyways have a good after morning and i wish you all a perfect picninc.
You're right about filters; as well as the one you mentioned, I think I'll get a polarising filter and a UV filter. And probably others too, when I know what I'm doing!
Well...I hope you get your cards on Monday. That should still give you time to get something for Haloween! I hope we're going to go out that night. There's a club here that I just LOVE on Haloween! (And New Years Eve is even better!)