Had a nice night out tonight, was cool and chilled.... realised while sitting on a wet bench in the middle of a pub garden (whilst others where off getting drinks) that every shiver (not due to cold) feels like a level up might do for a video game character... hehe. I have random thoughts, but without them i truely would be a shell that earns money. How cool would it been to collect 20 stars and all of a sudden feel more powerful... Actually if you could have any computer game power up float in to existance right in front of you i wonder what people would choose. I'd probably go for the feather out of Mario
flying would be sooo mental. Either that or the leaf out of megaman.
And out of technology that should be invented, they should make the skin changer machine from that galaxy high cartoon... i would love to be able to change the colour / pattern / texture of my skin.. would be amazing for going out... get white and black spots or blue fur . hehe.

And out of technology that should be invented, they should make the skin changer machine from that galaxy high cartoon... i would love to be able to change the colour / pattern / texture of my skin.. would be amazing for going out... get white and black spots or blue fur . hehe.