Aha... yet another year to survive... great fun; if 2007 is anything like my
Christmas break however then it is quite likely to be much the same as 2006. No
matter what i try, how hard i attempt things, life just keeps kicking me - but
it doesn't attack me in large catastrophies that i am actually allowed to moan
about - it gets me...
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Christmas break however then it is quite likely to be much the same as 2006. No
matter what i try, how hard i attempt things, life just keeps kicking me - but
it doesn't attack me in large catastrophies that i am actually allowed to moan
about - it gets me...
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Ok i just got back from the pub, a good night playing pool and failing miserably to chat up a rather sexy bar girl... *rollseyes* ... but yes i am a little bit drunk and yes it is only wednesday, but i deserve a chill out evening as yet again my last two weeks have been stupidly hectic... and hey whats-so-wrong with alcohol anyways
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I like toast.
Comments that include "jam" remind me of Eddie Izzard.
You changed your photo *again*
It's good.
So, totally off topic for SG, but what the heck.
I have recruiters sending me positions in London and wonderig If I know of anyone who is looking for positions there.
Some company called InQuira
Product support Lead
Professional Services Engineer
Senior Project Manager
Comments that include "jam" remind me of Eddie Izzard.
You changed your photo *again*
It's good.
So, totally off topic for SG, but what the heck.
I have recruiters sending me positions in London and wonderig If I know of anyone who is looking for positions there.
Some company called InQuira
Product support Lead
Professional Services Engineer
Senior Project Manager
Arrgggh.... i really need to do some more excercise or something, i feel so pent up at the moment, my emotions are just going nowhere, they are just eating away at me... i have such a short fuse, and i'm normally really passive... i wish i could go running but until i get my knee fixed i can't and would probably feel to self-conscious anyways,...
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"I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth and indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame the earth seems to me a sterile promotory; this most excellent canopy the air, look you, this mighty o'rehanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire; why, it appeareth nothing to me but a foul and pestilent congregation...
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The quote you meant to use was "Scrubbers!"
The world is a very strange place *sigh* i guess you never get the hang of it... or if you do you automatically cease to exists... heh.. had an odd day again but now i am feeling good... why am i so fickle? tiz crazy.
Got a response from Natwest (the worse bank in the world, i would say universe but there yet may still...
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Got a response from Natwest (the worse bank in the world, i would say universe but there yet may still...
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Well, I've dabbled in the past, but it never really felt right. Whatever it was I was looking for, I don't think I found it. I suppose I'm still interested, but non-practising!
You're right about filters; as well as the one you mentioned, I think I'll get a polarising filter and a UV filter. And probably others too, when I know what I'm doing!
You're right about filters; as well as the one you mentioned, I think I'll get a polarising filter and a UV filter. And probably others too, when I know what I'm doing!
Glad to hear you put that Green Day guy in his place! I mean, my god!
Well...I hope you get your cards on Monday. That should still give you time to get something for Haloween! I hope we're going to go out that night. There's a club here that I just LOVE on Haloween! (And New Years Eve is even better!)

Well...I hope you get your cards on Monday. That should still give you time to get something for Haloween! I hope we're going to go out that night. There's a club here that I just LOVE on Haloween! (And New Years Eve is even better!)

Had a nice night out tonight, was cool and chilled.... realised while sitting on a wet bench in the middle of a pub garden (whilst others where off getting drinks) that every shiver (not due to cold) feels like a level up might do for a video game character... hehe. I have random thoughts, but without them i truely would be a shell that earns...
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Ah well, can't book my bike in until next monday...
means i'm getting the train and walking for the next week...! but it does look like the fix wont be too expensive... and Yes i know i can't drive yet... or well maybe ever... just never had the want to drive at all - both my brother and sister can drive and they are 2...
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aha... so yes i am feeling better than i was at my last post - i have sorted out employment again and so will have proper constant money to relax with... rather than worrying about paying the rent every month. I will be going back to the company i help start up in 2000 after college:
F u b r a
It probably is a...
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F u b r a
It probably is a...
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Hehe, finished reading J.K.Rowling's lastest - Harry Potter and the Half Blood prince.. T'was good as usual (who is R.A.B?), and also as usual i wish books didn't have an ending... books should have their own reality that continues even after you stop reading (so thats what imagination is for) - maybe that will be the use they will eventually find for virtual reality -...
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Hello Persons & Personifications,
If this has worked, which i hope (and think it will) and the nice lovely people at SG will keep allowing me to (remember you are very nice and good people).
..Then, this post to my journal has been written and submitted outside the SG site - on my own website. The reason for this is not to do some underhanded...
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If this has worked, which i hope (and think it will) and the nice lovely people at SG will keep allowing me to (remember you are very nice and good people).
..Then, this post to my journal has been written and submitted outside the SG site - on my own website. The reason for this is not to do some underhanded...
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My life is one of those Bruce Willis movies that are supposed to be funny but really aren't.
Your family sounds a lot like mine. My mother and sister are obsessed with the notion of being 'normal'. I had an arguement with my dad a few years back where he claimed there was only one right way to live your life and if you didn't follow it then you're screwed. I'm a huge believer that there is more than one way to do anything, so I our philosophies clash more than just a little.
I'm still stuck in a rut. I don't even think I have the tools to get out of it. I'm sure that things would be a little easier if I wasn't so damn negative, but I like to think I'm realistic at the same time.
"Life keeps getting it's small little victories, tricking me into thinking a
decision is the correct one and then providing me with just enough information
afterwards to show me how ridiculous what i just did was, and it is now sitting
over there on it's little stool cackling at me and rubbing it's hands - it
knows that i can't do anything about it, and i have no choice but to carry on
and play it's game."
This is all part of the learning experience of life. You might make the same mistake several times before you eventually learn the lesson, but you'll get there eventually. Looking back when I was younger, I used to make the the same mistakes over and over again and every time I'd think I'd learned from the mistake, but hadn't. I only now think I did learn my lesson as I haven't made those same mistakes in years.
Of course, in the future I'll probably find that I still haven't fully learned those lessons.
Life, eh?