Wow! I had the best new years ever!! watched movies, played vidio games, snuggled on the couch. I had a day sickness so i stayed in and my sweety stayed with me. We were going to go to the beach with our possy but it was going to be a 3 hour drive in the rain with one headlight. There was a party in town but he didn't know the folks too well and I was sick so we stayed in. I feal a lot better today and I'm brobably one of the few kids over 18 not fighting off a hangover this morning
well I'm off to get some hair dye - it's going to be extravigant
and some jeans (I have three pairs right now - one falls off my ass and doesn't have beltloops, one is ugly, and the other is to tight to wear thermals under, a must in winder you know) - that's right, I got paid and there's more finantial air on the way next week and food stamps on the 6th!
no reasolutions this year, life is good
well I'm off to get some hair dye - it's going to be extravigant
no reasolutions this year, life is good
Thanks by the way too....