well guys,

im writing from the hulk of steel that is my ship. im surprised that i am able to get on this site. well things are going slow, but i hope that they will speed up soon. you guys shoot me an email sometime. my email on the ship is nchapman@sanjacinto.navy.mil hope to hear from you guys soon. take care all. ARRR!!!
dude! i guess i'll see you guys when you come out of that piece of junk hahah
i cant believe everyboy is in norfolk! its gonna be like old times yay!
well guys

this has been a long time comming. im about to be gone for 6 months and all that fun shit. things have been going good for me and all. but im not exactly thrilled to have to leave my wife for that long. but at least i will never have to do this again. yay!!! well thats it for now. i hope that...
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ow. going to the ship? good luck!
its really hard to keep this thing updated when you are busy as shit. not too much is going on right now except the same old shit. getting fucked by the navy. im supposed to be getting out cuz my knees are fucked but surprise, they are fucking me around. im leaving tomorrow for a month and i shouldnt be going in the first place....
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being busy really sucks!!
hope to see you both soon!
man i miss you guys so much! tell jess that i took over debra's (dayna) job....the supply tech. i work with rosanna now. its cool. im feeling a lot better now which is nice. well..im hoping everything is well.

update biotch! biggrin
hey everyone..... things are about the same here as they have been. me and jess got our apartment and some furniture so we are starting to actually have a home of our own. we got jonnie lurch staying with us for now and things are going good with that surprisingly. otherwise i just miss Italy and all the good friends that i left behind. hope...
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Glad to hear y'all are doing well!! So Trey put in for his orders and we should know next week for sure where we're going...but right it looks like either Virginia, Virginia OR Virginia. whatever So maybe we'll be seeing you in about 9 months. wink biggrin kiss
hey guys.

been a while but its been really hectic around here. me and jess are getting our place on friday and we cant wait. we got married last month and we couldnt be happier. we miss all of you and hope to see you guys sometime. take care you all.

nick and jess
Awww.. congrats!!!
Congrats!!! Glad to hear you and Jess are doing well. Trey and I are doing pretty good....we just got back from a 3 week visit to the states.

Maybe you should change your location, now that you're not in Italy anymore??? confused

Take Care Doll!! kiss
welll, lots has changed since last time i did this.

im in norfolk now, so no more good italian food for me. im in school at the moment and away from my fiance. on the good side i got two years left in the navy and im getting married in may. i gotta enjoy my last few months of bachelorhood... wink but im really happy that...
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Happy Birthday Nick!!!!!
come back!
well its been a while since ive done this soooo... Mnislahi left me to go back to the states, and she didnt even say bye...frown otherwise there isnt much to say...take it easy guys...

[Edited on Oct 17, 2004 7:49AM]
Nobody loves me anymore.... frown
lol i diidnt see this msg!!
ok im here!!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! i need to go in a bike ride!!
dood ur bike is the shit! seriously.
hellooooo you are mistaken! smile
well tonight is another night im my fucked up life.... im pissed at my girl cuz she seems to not want to spend time with me. the only time i really see her is when she's sleeping... i hate it. i mean, i know that we aint married, but it would be nice to see her for more than and hour a day. i dunno.....
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well i went out riding all day today and i had a blast!!!! put about 500 miles on my baby today smile my riding buddies are the best around. not much else has been happening other than that.. my girl aint letting me get any sleep lately if you know what i mean by that wink gotta run for now....hope all of you had a good weekend..laters...
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you found me!! biggrin
hahhahah omg dood... this friday was awesome.. we went downtown to some bar by piazza dante.. but the thing is i was too drunk to remember. hah!
This saturday.. all of us. later tongue blush